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Fishery Bulletin 89(2) Contents

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Goebel, Michael E., John L. Bengtson, Robert l. Delong, Roger l. Gentry, and Thomas R. Loughlin
Diving patterns and foraging locations of female northern fur seals

Govoni, John J., and John E. Olney
Potential predation on fish eggs by the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi within and outside the Chesapeake Bay plume

Grant, George C., and John E. Olney
Distribution of striped bass Marone saxatilis (Walbaum) eggs and larvae in major Virginia rivers

Kramer, Sharon Hendrix
Growth, mortality, and movements of juvenile California halibut Paralichthys californicus in shallow coastal and bay habitats of San Diego County, California

Matsui, Tetsuo
Description of young of the mesopelagic platytroctids Holtbyrnia latifrons and Sagamichthys abei (Pisces, Alepocephafoidea) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean

Milton, David A., and Stephen J.M. Blaber
Maturation, spawning seasonality, and proximate spawning stimuli of six species of tuna baitfish in the Solomon Islands

Mugiya, Yasuo, and Hirotaka Oka
Biochemical relationship between otolith and somatic growth in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: Consequence of starvation, resumed feeding, and diel variations

Munroe, Thomas A.
Western Atlantic tonguefishes of the Symphurus plagusia complex (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes), with descriptions of two new species

Schaefer, Kurt M.
Geographic variation in morphometric characters and gill-raker counts of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares from the Pacific Ocean

Shields, Jeffrey D., Robert K. Okazaki, and Armand M. Kuris
Fecundity and the reproductive potential of the yellow rock crab Cancer anthonyi

Somerton, David A., and Donald R. Kobayashi
Robustness of the Wetherall length-based method to population disequilibria

Sutter, Fredrick C. III, Roy O. Williams, and Mark F. Godcharles
Movement patterns and stock affinities of king mackerel in the southeastern United States

Taylor, David M., and John M. Hoenig
Effect of tag anchor location on retention/survival through molt in male snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio


Lowry, Mark S., Brent S. Stewart, Carolyn B. Heath, Pamela K. Yochem, and John M. Francis
Seasonal and annual variability in the diet of California sea lions Zalophus californianus at San Nicolas Island, California, 1981-86.

Szedlmayer, Stephen T., Margaret M. Szedlmayer, and Michael E. Sieracki
Automated enumeration by computer digitization of age-O weakfish Cynoscion regalis scale circuli

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