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Incarceration Reports, Publications, and Web Resources

Research and Practice Symposium on Marriage and Incarceration:  A Meeting Summary
By:  Brandy Bauer, Jamie Hart, Anne Hopewell, and Naomi Tein of Health Systems Research

This report summarizes an ASPE-convened symposium on developing strategies to improve the marriages and family life of those incarcerated or returning from a period of incarceration.  Invited to the meeting were experts with research and practice knowledge about incarceration and re-entry, marriage strengthening, family processes, and domestic violence.  The symposium discussion focused on 1) increasing understanding among the criminal justice and marriage education disciplines about how these issues are viewed by each discipline; 2) identifying practice needs and gaps to improve marriage outcomes for these couples; and 3) reviewing research topics for improved understanding of the efficacy of various interventions for this population.  In addition to the discussion synthesis, the report contains the Symposium agenda and participants and a conference background paper.  January, 2007.  PDF Version (350KB)

Co-Occurring Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment:  Local Policies/Practices and Relationships to Child Placement, Family Services and Residence, Final Report
NIJ-Sponsored, March 2006, NCJ 213503. (30 pages).
PDF  NCJRS Abstract

From Prison to Home:  The Effect of Incarceration and Reentry on Children, Families, and Communities, a project with papers, a national policy conference, and a synthesis report. 2002.

Incarcerated Parents and Their Children
The Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, has released a report “Incarcerated Parents and Their Children”.  This report profiles information on the 721,500 parents in prison.  According to the BJS report 93 percent of the parents in prison are male and 1.5 million children have a parent in federal or state prison.  See also the press release.

Uniting Incarcerated Parents and Their Families

ACF is pleased to announce the availability of the latest report from the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network.  This report describes the lessons learned from the ACF/OFA Welfare Peer TA Network workshop, “Uniting Incarcerate Parents and Their Families.”  The workshop was held in Orlando and in Tamoka prison in Daytona Beach, Florida, on May 21-22, 2002.  The Report in PDF format for printing.

Publication:  Fathers in the Criminal Justice System
Publication Source:  Center for Policy Research
Description:  The report analyzes the results of the Fathers in the Criminal Justice System project conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Child Support Enforcement Division (DOR/CSE), in order to develop ways of communicating with and serving incarcerated noncustodial parents. The project developed responsive child support procedures including simplified paternity establishment and genetic testing procedures, and methods of assisting incarcerated noncustodial father to request modification of their child support orders to prevent the accumulation of uncollectable arrears. In addition, the project led DOR/CSE to initiate a number of policy changes that will affect future interactions with incarcerated parents as well as other low-income groups.

Web Publication:  When Prisoners Return
Publication Source:  Justice eReport; Justice Fellowship
Description:  Justice Fellowship works to integrate biblically based, restorative reforms into the criminal justice system. In its efforts to facilitate offenders' reentry into communities, Justice Fellowship advocates proving them with housing, medical services, employment assistance, mentoring, faith-based services, and community support.

Publication:  Mentoring for Children of Prisoners Fact Sheet
Publication Source:  National Mentoring Center
Description:  The fact sheet of National Mentoring Center (NMC) contains a set of useful links to assist service providers with understanding mentoring efforts intended for children of prisoners (COP). These links give a better understanding of the needs of COP youth and the federal and local programming currently geared towards them.

Publication:  People of Faith Mentoring Children of Promise
Publication Source:  The Faith and Service Technical Education Network (FASTEN)
Description:  This FASTEN mentoring manual is designed as a guide for those who have chosen to take the incarceration of a child's parent as a point of intervention, with mentoring as a vehicle. The manual uses the Amachi program as a model to show how faith-based organizations, secular nonprofits, and public organizations can work together to provide caring and trusting relationships for these children.

Publication:  Amachi:  Mentoring Children of Prisoners in Philadelphia
Publication Source:  Public/Private Ventures
Description:  This report documents the early years of operation of the Amachi mentoring program for children of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated parents in Philadelphia. The report discusses data regarding program quality and effectiveness, as well as the strategies and mechanics of setting up, operating, and maintaining an Amachi program. The report is intended to assist those interested in supporting or operating an Amachi program.

Website Resource:  Family and Corrections Network
Website Source:  Family and Corrections Network
Description:  The Family and Corrections Network (FCN) and its Web site provide ways for those concerned with families of prisoners to share information and experiences in an atmosphere of mutual respect. FCN accomplishes this mission through publishing, sponsoring conferences, collaborating with other agencies, presentations, and consultation. FCN has published information on children of prisoners, parenting programs for prisoners, prison visiting, incarcerated fathers, hospitality programs and a variety of other topics.

Office of Justice Programs Publications
Publications are organized by subject terms make online research on any aspect of reentry easy.

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Last Revised:  April 30, 2007

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