Datapool FTP Script Readme File 1.0 Introduction This document includes the following sections: Section 2.0 - How to FTP files with an FTP script Section 3.0 - Data File Compression option If users have questions, please contact the Langley ASDC User and Data Services Office at: Atmospheric Science Data Center User and Data Services Office Mail Stop 157D 2 South Wright Street NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199 U.S.A. E-mail: Phone: (757)864-8656 FAX: (757)864-8807 URL: 2.0 How to FTP files with an FTP script The data sets stored in the Data Pool are in a predefined directory structure as follows: //, where: is a grouping of ECS collections by instrument and mission. (e.g., MOPITT). is the collection identifier. (e.g., MOP03.003). is the date the measurement was taken. (e.g., 2000.04.02). A set of files may be obtained with "mget *". An example using mget: user anonymous cd MOPITT/MOP03.003/2000.04.03 prompt mget MOP03* cd ../2000.04.02 mget MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf* bye or, using a specific list: user anonymous cd MOPITT/MOP03.003/2000.04.02 get MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf get MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf.xml cd ../2000.04.03 get MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf get MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf.xml bye On an SGI or Linux machine, use the following command-line: ftp -p -n < script where script is a text file. Do not use the -p switch in DOS, SunOS or Windows/Mac platforms: ftp -n < script 3.0 Data File Compression option The FTP server on the Data Pool provides a very useful option to compress files at download. File compression will reduce download time and volume. Depending on the method users employ to access the Data Pool, use one of the following: For command-line ftp session (Unix, :DOS, etc.), to get gz-compression, add extension ".gz" to the filename: ftp > get MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf.gz For Unix compression, add extension ".Z": ftp > get MOP03-20000402-L3V1.0.1.hdf.Z NOTE: If an HDF is internally compressed during file creation, compressing the file again will only increase the size of the file. Before transferring several files, verify the data file compression option extentions actually return smaller files. Date Created: Last Updated: