LBNL Isotopes Project
Nuclear Structure Systematics Home Page

Berkeley Lab
      Isotopes Project
      Nuclear Science Division

This page is dedicated to serving the nuclear data needs of researchers in nuclear structure and reaction physics. For additional information visit the LBNL/Lund Nuclear Data Dissemination Website. If you wish to display additional nuclear systematics on this website, contact Richard B. Firestone. These drawings are freely available to all users and can be downloaded to the users computer with a right click on the requested link followed by saving the file.

Nuclear Charts (PDF)

  1. Interactive Chart of the Nuclides User generated nuclear charts based on Adopted Level data from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF).
  2. 2000 Experimental Chart of Nuclides (Ground States)
  3. 2000 Experimental Chart of Nuclides (Isomers >1 ms)
  4. Isotope Discovery History (Graph)
  5. Theoretical Chart of the Nuclides A nuclear chart based on theoretical data from Nuclear Properties for Astrophysical Applications by P. Moller, J.R. Nix, and K.-L. Kratz, LA-UR-94-3898(1994). (729 kb)
  6. Historical Chart of the Nuclides Chart of the isotopes depicting the first appearance of each isotope in the Table of Isotopes 1940-2000. (241 kb)
  7. 8th edition of the Table of Isotopes (1999 Update)

Nuclear Level Systematics

  1. Maximum Level Energy Known
  2. Maximum Level Spin Known
  3. Number of Levels Known
  4. Number of Rotational Bands Known
  5. Systematics of Even-Even First 2+ Energies
  6. Systematics of Even-Even First 2+ BE2(Weisskopf) Values

Audi (1995) Experimental Nuclear Mass Systematics

  1. Mass Excess values
  2. Mass Excess uncertainties
  3. β- Decay Q-values
  4. β- Decay Q-value uncertainties
  5. Proton separation energies
  6. Proton separation energy uncertainties
  7. Neutron separation energies
  8. Neutron separation energy uncertainties

Fission Barrier Systematics (data contributed by G. Wozniak)

  1. Nuclei with Known Fission Barriers
  2. Fission Barrier Measurements with Fragmentation beams from RIA
  3. Fission Barrier Measurements with Stable and Radioactive Beams

Fission Products

  1. Nuclei produced by thermal-neutron induced 235U fission
  2. Nuclei produced by 252Cf spontaneous fission

Theoretical Nuclei from Nuclear Properties for Astrophysical Applications
by P. Moller, J.R. Nix, and K.-L. Kratz, LA-UR-94-3898(1994).

  1. Decay Modes
  2. Half-lives
  3. Neutron and Proton Separation Energies

Nuclear Deformations from Moller et al, At. Dat Nucl. Data Tables 59, 185(1995)

  1. β2 Deformations
  2. β4 Deformations
  3. β6 Deformations
  4. Shell Energies

Other Information

  1. Table of Isotopes Periodic Table for Z=1-118: Color or BW
  2. Chart of Nuclides Ordered by Element (HTML) A periodic table linked to summary tables for the isotopes of all known elements
  3. Summary Drawings for Mass Chains A=1-272 (PDF,PS)
  4. Chart of Plato and Aristotle (PDF) The "first" chart. Relation of the four elements and four qualities of matter as described by Plato and Aristotle around 400 BC.

Richard B. Firestone, e-mail:
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
MailStop 50A-6102
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-486-7646
Fax: 510-486-5757