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NEO Catalog  

List of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids

Catalog of Near Earth Asteroids with orbits that bring them very close to the Earth. Updated daily by the Minor Planet Center.

List of All Known NEOs with Orbital Elements

Updated daily by the Minor Planet Center.

  • Amors. Mars-crossing but not Earth-crossing asteroids

  • Apollos. Includes most Earth-crossing asteroids.

  • Atens. Asteroids with orbits largely inside the orbit of the Earth
List of Future Close Passages of NEOs

Predicted close asteroid and comet approaches through the year 2020, supplied by the Minor Planet Center

List of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs)

Provided by the NASA NEO Program Office

List of Upcoming Close Approaches to Earth

Provided by the NASA NEO Program Office

Technical Table of all NEOs (NeoDys)

Updated continuously by Andrea Milani in Pisa, Italy