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Halo Orbit Insertion


Start of Sample Collection


Completion of Sample Collection

Earth "Flyby" on way to L2

Sample Capsule Return to Earth

Days of spaceflight

Days of Solar Wind Collection

Total distance traveled from launch to Earth return:
~32 million kilometers
(20 million miles)

Relative to the Sun, Genesis traveled ~1.8 billion miles, essentially the motion of the Earth about the Sun for 1127 days

Sample material collected
~10^20 Ions
~0.4 milligrams

mission information
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Mission Updates

from Genesis mission
Project Manager Don Sweetnam

Electronic Newsletter
Two scientists counting/documenting Genesis collector samples    
Mike Calaway and Melissa Rodriguez conduct an inventory of the Genesis collectors. + Enlarge image (150 dpi)  



Inventory Conducted to Preserve Collectors
While working in a Class 10 cleanroom, Mike Calaway and Melissa Rodriguez conduct an inventory of the Genesis collectors currently curated at Johnson Space Center. In addition to preserving the collectors in clean conditions, the curation staff keep track of about 4000 samples (some samples consist of multiple fragments).

Genesis Findings Solve Apollo Lunar Soil Mystery
Ever since astronauts returned from another world, scientists have been mystified by some of the moon rocks they brought back. Now, one of the mysteries has been solved.
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Hexagon with images of Genesis science team, NASA logo, on cloudy background depicting space  

Science Team in Action Updated Release
The international Genesis Science Team collaborates on mission science.
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  artist rendering of magnetic bend Genesis Journey Captured in Animations
Stunning imagery demonstrating scale, solar wind collection, and sample extraction.
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Containers of multi-colored beads for use with learning activity
Learning Activity: What Are We Made of?
An exciting hands-on activity designed to help students correlate elemental abundances with Genesis findings.
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solar wind samples
Curation & Analysis
Genesis samples are the first extraterrestrial samples returned to Earth by NASA since the Apollo program, which ended in the early 1970s.
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New video clips! Genesis science team members talk about their findings as they move forward in the science analysis phase of the mission. + Learn more  

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