About The Council

President's Challenge

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President's Council announces Top 5 winners of the National President's Challenge

PCPFS Science Honor Award presented to Dr. Russell Pate

PCPFS Adult Fitness Test launched at event at Results Gym

Fall 2008 Issue of the PCPFS E-Newsletter Now On-line

President's Council and the General Mills Foundation Announce "The General Mills' Challenge Schools"

News From Our Partners and Friends




Get information related to HHS' physical activity guidelines initiative.

Get information about the NASA Fit Explorer Project.






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is the health, physical activity, fitness and sports information website of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. You can find out about the Council and its work, view our publications, and link to the resources of other government agencies as well as to health and fitness organizations.

To find out how you can start a physical activity program today and stay active and fit for life while earning Presidential awards,visit our free, interactive physical activity and fitness website at www.presidentschallenge.org.

On July 24, 2008, in Anchorage, Alaska, HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt presented Alaska Governor Sarah Palin with an award for taking the number one spot in the President's Council's National President's Challenge.

PCPFS Executive Director Melissa Johnson presented the 2008 PCPFS Science Honor Award to Dr. Russell Pate on
May 29, 2008 at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annual conference in Indianapolis, IN (shown left
to right: Allen Jackson, David Bassett, Jr., Ed Howley, Russ Pate, Jim Morrow, Weimo Zhu, Debbie Young,
Melissa Johnson, Greg Heath and Thom McKenzie)

On May 14, 2008, Dr. Richard Keelor received the 2008 PCPFS Lifetime Achievement Award at the President's Council's meeting in Washington, DC during National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Dr. Keelor is shown here with PCPFS Chairman John Burke (on right).

Take the Adult Fitness Test. Are you ready? Start here.

Last updated on 09/11/2008


The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports United States Department of Health and Human 

Services United States Department of Health and Human 
