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August 21, 2008

Dear Colleague:

The United States Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has commissioned the CFI Group, an independent research organization, to conduct a survey to assess the value of our products: The SAR Activity Review-Trends, Tips & Issues and The SAR Activity Review-By the Numbers. FinCEN has obtained permission from the Office of Management and Budget through control number 1505-019 1 to conduct this survey in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. § 350 1-3520) and its implementing regulations (5 C.F.R. Part 1320).

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the CFI Group may contact you in the near future to participate in the survey. Depository institutions and futures commission merchants will receive an email invitation from the CFI Group that includes a link to an online survey, and data will be collected from money services businesses via telephone.

Through the survey, we hope to learn more about your needs and identify opportunities to improve these products. The results of the survey will be reported only in the aggregate; individual responses will be grouped anonymously along with those of other FinCEN customers.

On behalf of FinCEN, thank you in advance for your cooperation and insight. Should you have any questions about this effort or want to provide additional feedback, please contact Barbara Bishop, Regulatory Outreach Specialist, at 703-905-5137.



Jamal El-Hindi
Associate Director
Regulatory Policy and Programs Division