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Security Liquidation

Note: This page does not apply to savings bonds, TreasuryDirect accounts or Legacy Treasury Direct accounts. For information or questions related to these subjects, please select “Contact Us” at the top of this page.

Security Liquidation is a process in which the Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD) can convert securities (obligations) that have been received by Federal Executive Agencies into cash. The Department of the Treasury delegated this program to BPD. Through this redelegation authority, the Security Liquidation process is accomplished by BPD in the Office of Public Debt Accounting, Debt Accounting Branch (DAB).

The securities include:

  • Bonds, notes or other securities acquired by the Secretary of the Treasury for the United States Government
  • Securities delivered to the Secretary by a Federal Executive Agency

Securities received by an agency for any of the following reasons may be liquidated by DAB:


Physical securities must be sent to Merrill Lynch, FBO: U.S. Department of the Treasury by registered mail or special messenger. Electronic securities may be wired to the Department of the Treasury’s broker-dealer account. Select “Contact Us” in the main navigation above to obtain the phone number you’ll need to call for more information on how to wire the security.


View the proceeds process and methods of payment.

Return Securities

If DAB is unable to liquidate the security after a reasonable amount of time, it will be returned along with an explanation to the Federal Executive Agency.