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+ Earth Observing System
for scientists

+ Earth Observing System > For Scientists > Science Publications and Reports > The Earth Observer

A   A   A

The Earth Observer

The Earth Observer is published by the EOS Project Science Office, Code 610, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, telephone (301) 614-5560, FAX (301) 614-6530. Correspondence may be directed to Alan Ward,, tel. (301) 352-4644, FAX (301) 352-0437, or mailed to the above address.

Submission Guidelines

Articles (limited to three pages), contributions to the calendars, and suggestions are welcomed. Contributions to the EOS Science Calendar and Global Change Calendar should contain location, person to contact, telephone number and e-mail address, and should be addressed to Alan Ward (, or mailed to the above address.

The Earth Observer Index

To properly view the PDF documents you will need the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. A plug-in for disabled users who want to access our PDF's and who are using Windows is available at*.

2008  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug  
2007  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2006  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2005  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2004  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2003  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2002  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2001  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
2000  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
1999  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
1998  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
1997  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
1996  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  
1995  Jan - Feb    Mar - Apr    May - Jun    Jul - Aug    Sep - Oct    Nov - Dec  

To Subscribe - Electronic Copy with email notification

In an effort to cut back on the amount of paper used to produce this newsletter, we would like to announce our Go Green campaign. If you would like to be notified via email when future issues of The Earth Observer are available for download as a PDF, please send an email with the subject “Go Green” to Your name and email address will then be added to an electronic distribution list and you will receive a bi-monthly email indicating that the next issue is available for download.

To Subscribe - Hard Copy

To subscribe to The Earth Observer, or change your mailing address, please submit your complete  mailing address, including your e-mail address and telephone number, to Steve Graham, or call (301) 614-5561.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Maura Tokay
NASA Official: Steve Platnick
Last Updated: September 15, 2008
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