Science@Berkeley Lab Magazine banner Berkeley Lab logo
March 10, 2008
Editorial image
Catching up With the Future

Welcome to what we hope will be the last issue of Science@Berkeley Lab in magazine format. Before long we'll be moving to a new kind of presentation, a News Center that will gather Berkeley Lab press releases, science features, and other news about the Lab on a single web page that will be updated continually as news and articles appear.

The News Center will also link to video and audio podcasts, including a movie overview of the Lab with tours of our scientific divisions and user facilities, lectures and interviews from Berkeley Lab's Nobel Prize-winning Director Steven Chu and other leading scientists, animations of major projects like the SuperNova/Acceleration Probe dark energy mission, episodes of the Bay Area science series, QUEST, taped here by KQED TV and radio, and audio recordings of news stories and press releases.

We'll continue highlights we've already introduced in Science@Berkeley Lab, such as web feeds, full-length pdfs, and images in the best resolution available, all within a mouse-click of the web version of the article. We'll be expanding access to these features and introducing similar access to press releases and other publications as well.

We aren't giving up on good old-fashioned email — every few weeks we'll be sending email reminders of the latest stories about Science at Berkeley Lab on our News Center. Only now you won't have to wait to find all the up-to-date science news in one place.  

Meanwhile, if you have any questions and comments about this, the last issue of the old Science@Berkeley Lab, let us know by dropping us an email


Paul Preuss, Editor, Science@Berkeley Lab