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SAGE III Data Sets


The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) obtains profile measurements of aerosol extinction, ozone, water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen trioxide, chlorine dioxide, clouds, temperature and pressure in the mesosphere, stratosphere, and upper troposphere with a vertical resolution of 0.5 - 1 km resolution.

The first of the planned instruments is on board a Russian Meteor-3M(1) platform which launched on December 10, 2001. The second flight has not been identified.

Documentation Ordering Data Tools Relevant Links

Obtain these data from the ASDC Ordering Tools, Data Pool, or WIST.

Data Set Name
(ESDT Shortname)
Data Format Parameters Temporal Coverage Avg. Size in MB
L1B Solar Event Transmission Data
(Data Pool: g3at.003 | g3at.004)
HDF-EOS Longwave Radiation, Shortwave Radiation, Ultraviolet Radiation 05/07/2002 - 12/31/2005
(1 file per event)
L1B Solar Event Transmission Data
(Data Pool: g3atb.003 | g3atb.004)
Big Endian/IEEE Binary 2.10
L2 Solar Event Species Profiles
(Data Pool: g3assp.003 | g3assp.004)
HDF-EOS Aerosol Extinction, Air Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure, Dust/ash, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone, Trace Gases, Water Vapor 05/07/2002 - 12/31/2005
(1 file per event)
L2 Solar Event Species Profiles
(Data Pool: g3asspb.003 | g3asspb.004)
Big Endian/IEEE Binary 0.044
L2 Lunar Event Species Profiles
(Data Pool: g3alsp.003)
HDF-EOS Chlorine Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Ozone, Trace Gases, Water Vapor 05/07/2002 - 12/31/2005
(1 file per event)
L2 Lunar Event Species Profiles
(Data Pool: g3alspb.003)
Big Endian/IEEE Binary 0.017
L2 Monthly Cloud Presence Data
(Data Pool: g3acld.003)
HDF-EOS Cloud Amount/Frequency, Cloud Height, Cloud Vertical Distribution 02/27/2002 - 12/31/2005
(1 file per month)
L2 Monthly Cloud Presence Data
(Data Pool: g3acldb.003)
Big Endian/IEEE Binary 0.73

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