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Projects Supported

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Each project listed below has a Table of Available Data Sets that contains ordering mechanisms and supporting documentation. Questions, comments or requests for additional information should be sent to User Services.

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Definition/Description Spatial Coverage Temporal Coverage
48" LIDAR (ARB) Aerosol Research Branch:
ground-based 48-inch LIDAR system providing high resolution vertical measurements.
37.1N Lat., -76.3W Lon.
NASA Langley Research Center
- 12/04/2001
ACRIM II Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor II:
monitors the total variability of solar irradiance with active cavity radiometer sensors.
Related Project: ACRIM III
Looks at Sun 10/04/1991
- 11/01/2001
ACRIM III Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor III:
monitors the total variability of solar irradiance with active cavity radiometer sensors.
Related Project: ACRIM II
Looks at Sun 04/05/2000
- 09/19/2003
AirMISR Airborne Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer:
airborne instrument for obtaining multi-angle imagery similar to that of the satellite-borne MISR instrument.
Related Project: MISR
Relevant to each field experiment Relevant to each field experiment
ARESE ARM Enhanced Shortwave Experiment:
DoE - NASA field experiment designed to measure absorption of solar radiation in the cloudy atmosphere.
Southern Great Plains 09/25/1995
- 10/23/1995
ATOST Atlantic - THORpex Observing System Test:
part of an international research program to accelerate improvements in the accuracy of weather forcasts.
Related Project: THORpex
Bangor, Maine 11/06/2003
- 12/17/2003
Biomass Burning Biomass Burning:
geographical and temporal distribution of total amount of biomass burned.
Central & South America, Africa, Tropical Asia 01/01/1980
- 12/31/1980
CALIPSO Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations:
instrument designed to study the impact of clouds and aerosols on the Earth's radiation budget and climate.
Global 06/13/2006
- Present
CAMEX-4 Convection And Moisture EXperiment:
study of tropical cyclone development, tracking, intensification, and landfalling impacts.
Carribean, Gulf of Mexico, East Coast United States 08/13/2001
- 09/26/2001
CERES Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System:
provides radiometric measurements of the Earth's atmosphere from three broadband channels.
Related Projects: ERBE, SRB
Global 12/27/1997
- Present
CLAMS Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites:
experiment designed to validate and improve EOS Terra satellite data products.
Terra Related Projects: CERES, MISR, MOPITT
Middle Atlantic Eastern Seaboard 06/29/2001
- 08/02/2001
ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment:
multiple instrument measurements of global albedo, fluxes and solar incidence.
Related Project: CERES
Global 11/05/1984
- 08/31/2005
FIRE First ISCCP Regional Experiment:
series of field missions which measured cloud parameters including microphysics.
Related Project: ISCCP
Relevant to each mission Relevant to each mission
FLASHFlux Fast Longwave And SHortwave Radiative Fluxes:
near real-time surface and Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiative fluxes.
Related Project: CERES
Global 03/01/2006 - present
GEWEX-RFA Global Energy and Water Cycle EXperiment - Radiative Flux Assessment:
an international intercomparison effort to assess accuracy and uncertainty of top-of-atmosphere and surface radiative fluxes.
Global Varies - relevant to each data submission
GTE Global Tropospheric Experiment:
series of airborne field experiments which addressed tropospheric chemistry issues.
Global Relevant to each mission
INTEX-A INtercontinental Chemical Transport EXperiment - North America Phase A:
integrated atmospheric experiment to understand the transport and transformation of gases and aerosols.
North America Relevant to each mission
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project:
distribution and variation of cloud radiative properties at multiple scales.
Related Projects: FIRE, SRB
Global 07/01/1983
LASE Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment:
series of airborne autonomous DIAL system measurements of water vapor, aerosol, and cloud profiles.
Relevant to each experiment Relevant to each experiment
LITE Lidar In-space Technology Experiment:
Space Shuttle mission that studied clouds and aerosols.
60N to 60S Lat. to
180E to 180W Lon.
- 09/19/1994
MAPS Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellites:
pollution data collected during Space Shuttle flights.
70N to 70S Lat. Relevant to each experiment
MAS MODIS Airborne Simulator:
airborne scanning spectrometer acquiring high spatial resolution imagery of cloud and surface features.
Relevant to each experiment Relevant to each experiment
MISR Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer:
uses 9 cameras and 4 spectral bands to acquire high resolution imagery, stereoscopic cloud and aerosol information, and surface reflectances.
Related Project: AirMISR
Global 03/01/2000
- Present
MOPITT Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere:
generates atmospheric profiles of CO using thermal radiation.
Global 03/03/2000
- Present
MY NASA DATA Mentoring and inquirY using NASA Data on Atmospheric and earth science for Teachers and Amateurs:
easy online access to satellite data, images, lesson plans, earth science glossary and more for K-12 education and citizen scientists.
Varies Varies
NARSTO North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone:
field experiments for assessing tropospheric pollution.
North America Relevant to each experiment
NIMBUS-7 Nimbus-7 Earth Radiation Budget:
measurements of solar irradiance, determining the Earth radiation budget.
Global 11/16/1978
- 12/13/1993
NVAP NASA Water Vapor Project:
total and layered global water vapor data.
Related Projects: SSM/I, SMMR
Global 11/01/1988
POAM II Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement II:
measures the vertical distribution of atmospheric ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and aerosol extinction.
Related Project: POAM III
Lat: -88.11 to -62.55
and 54.68 to 71.01
- 11/13/1996
POAM III Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement III:
measures the vertical distribution of atmospheric ozone, nitrogen dioxide, aerosol extinction, and water vapor.
Related Project: POAM II
Lat: -88.11 to -62.55
and 54.68 to 71.01
- present
SAGE I Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment I:
spatial distribution of stratospheric aerosols, ozone and nitrogen dioxide on a global scale.
Related Projects: SAM II, SAGE II, SAGE III
80N-80S, 180E-180W 02/18/1979
SAGE II Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II:
spatial distributions of stratospheric aerosols, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, water vapor and cloud occurrence.
Related Projects: SAM II, SAGE I, SAGE III
Global 10/24/1984
- 08/31/2005
SAGE III Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III:
profile measurements of aerosol extinction, ozone, water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen trioxide, chlorine dioxide, clouds, temperature and pressure.
Related Projects: SAM II, SAGE I, SAGE II
Global 02/27/2002
- 12/31/2005
SAM II Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement II:
vertical distribution of stratospheric aerosols in the polar regions.
Related Projects: SAGE I, SAGE II, SAGE III
Polar Regions 10/29/1978
- 12/18/1993
SCAR-A Smoke/Sulfates, Clouds and Radiation - America:
field experiment that measured physical and chemical components of the atmosphere.
Related Project: SCAR-B
Eastern United States 07/12/1993
- 07/29/1993
SCAR-B Smoke/Sulfates, Clouds and Radiation - Brazil:
field experiment that measured physical and chemical components of the atmosphere.
Related Projects: SCAR-A
Brazil 06/01/1995
- 10/31/1995
SMMR Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer:
atmospheric liquid water and integrated atmospheric water vapor.
Related Projects: SMM/I, NVAP
Relevant to data set Relevant to data set
SRB Surface Radiation Budget:
shortwave and longwave radiation, PAR and radiation forcing values computed from several models.
Related Projects: SSE, CERES, ISCCP, ERBE, MISR
Global 07/01/1983
SSE Surface meteorology and Solar Energy:
surface radiation parameters formulated for assessing and designing renewable energy systems.
Related Project: SRB
Global 10 year averages over 07/01/1983
- 06/30/1993
SSM/I Special Sensor Microwave/Image:
vertically integrated water vapor and cloud liquid water.
Related Projects: SMMR, NVAP
Global 07/01/1987
- 12/31/1991
SUCCESS SUbsonic aircraft: Contrail & Clouds Effects Special Study:
field experiment to investigate the effects of contrails on clouds and atmospheric chemistry.
36.6N Lat.
-97.5E Lon.
- 05/02/1996
TARFOX Tropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational EXperiment:
field experiment designed to reduce uncertainties in the effects of aerosols on climate.
Western Atlantic Ocean 07/10/1996
- 07/31/1996
TES Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer:
profiles of ozone, water vapor, CO, methane and other chemical species.
Global Launched
July 15, 2004
THORpex THe Observing-system Research and predictability experiment:
accelerate improvements in short range weather predictions and warnings.
Related Project: ATOST
Hawaii, Pacific Ocean 01/31/2003
- 04/10/2003

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