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The purpose of the Technology Lab is to showcase some of the work going on at the GES DISC behind the scenes. Some of the work projects listed here are already fielded to support our customers while others are in the development or prototyping stage. We invite you to explore our lab and provide feedback to us at:


ProjectProject Description
Bayesian Classification for Content-Based Data Management
A Bayesian classification technique is applied to task of content-based data management of very large data archives.
The Goddard Automation Tools for Enhanced SSIT (GATES) is a suit of tools that support the testing and integration of science software into the GES DISC production systems.

The Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) is a Web interface that allows users to perform interactive data analysis online without having to download any data.

Mirador is a new search and order Web interface being developed at the GES DISC for our data users and a beta version is now available.. It has a drastically simplified, clean interface and employs the Google mini-appliance for metadata keyword searches. Other features include quick response, data file hit estimator, Gazetteer (geographic search by feature name capability), and an interactive shopping cart.
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Product Archive (S4PA) is a radically simplified data archive architecture for supporting our GES DISC users with online access to data. S4PA is already being used operationally and Its deployment will be expanded in the months and years to come.
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based Science Processor for Missions (S4PM) is a system for highly automated processing of science data. It is the main processing engine at the GES DISC. In addition to being scalable up to large processing systems such as the GES DISC, it is also scalable down to small, special-purpose processing strings.
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based Science Processor for Missions - Data Mining Edition is a system that allows users to upload data mining algorithms through a simple Web interface and run them against data in the GES DISC holdings.

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  • Last updated: June 13, 2008 18:43:45 GMT