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Some Materials Inaccessible

Due to a major construction project in the Jefferson Building North Stacks, entire decks of materials will be inaccessible and unavailable for one to three weeks at a time. Collections on the deck where work is being done will not be retrievable during that time. Requests from affected areas will receive the following response: "Unavailable due to construction." Call 202-707-3396 before coming to the Library if you believe the materials you wish to use are affected.

Currently the following materials are not available:

  • CIS fiche
  • ERIC documents on fiche
  • Early English Books 1475-1700 microform
  • Shaw & Shoemaker Collection microform
  • Eighteenth Century Collection microform
  • British Manuscript Collection microform
  • Early State Records microform
  • Manuscripts in the monasteries of Mount Athos microform
  • Manuscripts in St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mount Sinai microform
  • Manuscripts in the libraries of the Greek and Armenian patriarchates in Jerusalem microform
  • Pulp Fiction microform
  • ASI, SRI, IIS microform
  • Journals on microform
  • Books on microform

  • also select materials between subclasses DC146 - DD491.L335 are inaccessible

The following collections will be unavailable in the near future, call 202-707-3396 before coming to the Library if you have questions.

  • DD491.L34 – DX301.T36

August 8, 2008

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August 8, 2008