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The following resources will help organizations implement an M&V program. The materials range from implementation guidelines to checklists and other resources. For more information, view the FEMP Super ESPC Homepage.
Key M&V Documents
FEMP M & V Guide Version 3.0; with Appendices
April 2008
This document provides guidelines and methods for measuring and verifying energy and cost savings associated with Federal agency performance contracts. Includes Appendices.
(PDF 2.70 MB, 306 pages)
FEMP M & V Guide Version 3.0; w/o Appendices
April 2008
This document provides guidelines and methods for measuring and verifying energy and cost savings associated with Federal agency performance contracts. Without Appendices
(PDF 697 KB, 129 pages)
FEMP M & V Guide Version 3.0; Appendices only
April 2008
This document provides the appendices for the FEMP M&V Guidelines for measuring and verifying energy and cost savings associated with Federal agency performance contracts.
(PDF 711 KB, 176 pages)

Detailed Guidelines for FEMP  M&V     Option A
May 2002 (.pdf)

A detailed guide to applying Option A M&V protocols in PDF format.

M&V Resource List
Revision 7
December 2006 (.doc)

This frequently updated document provides an extensive collection of resources, describing tools indicative of those available to help users apply M&V
protocols. Resources detailed include current M&V training classes, guidelines from utility, state, and national organizations, case studies, equipment
such as data loggers, as well as software tools.

FEMP 1/2 Day M&V Training Course
September 2005

These Powerpoint™ presentations are used during a half-day measurement and verification training course which is now offered in conjunction with the FEMP ESPC Delivery Order Workshops.
Complete Set
(934 KB .zip file) 
Part 1 
(177 KB .ppt file) 
Part 2 
(499 KB .ppt file) 
Part 3 
(563 KB .ppt file) 
Part 4
(150 KB .ppt file)
Part 5
(308 KB .ppt file)

Risk/Responsibility Matrix
2004 version included in DOE Modified IDIQ (.doc)

The use of this Responsibility Matrix is required by Super ESPC IDIQ contracts. This four-page summary describes typical financial and operational responsibilities (e.g., energy costs, operating hours) and their impacts on ESPC contracts. There are two blank columns to be filled in by the user.
Fine tuning for
Best-Value Super ESPCs Using The Risk / Responsibility Matrix
This article appears in the archived November 2001 issue of FEMP Focus (p.15).  This Super ESPC Best Practices article provides an overview of the proper use of the Risk & Responsibility Matrix.
Introduction to M&V for Super ESPC Projects
August 2004
This document provides an overview of why and how M&V is conducted in Super ESPC projects.  Topics include allocating project risk using M&V, overview of steps to verify savings, and key M&V submittals encountered in Super ESPC projects.
M&V Plan Review Instructions
Version 2.1 
February  2007 (.doc)
This document provides detailed guidance on conducting a technical review of the M&V plan submitted for a Super ESPC project.
Example M&V Plan for a Super ESPC Project
February 2007 (.doc)
This document provides examples of M&V plans for common ECMs, which comply with the requirements set forth in the FEMP M&V guidelines, Version 2.2, and provides and promotes use of a consistent format for M&V plans for Federal ESPC projects, as detailed by the M&V Plan Outline.
Review of Sample ESPC M&V Plan
June 2005 (.doc)
This document reviews a sample M&V Plan, for a Super ESPC Project, but uses a slightly older version of the M&V Plan Review Instructions document provided above.
Sample Post-Installation M&V Report
December 2005 (.doc)
This document is a comprehensive Post-Installation Report for a fictional energy performance contract project, intended to provide examples of post-installation reporting for common ECMs that comply with the requirements set forth in the FEMP M&V guidelines, Version 2.2 and provide and promote use of a consistent format for Post-Installation Reports for Federal ESPC projects, as detailed by the Post-Installation Report Outline.
Reviewing Post-Installation and Annual ESPC Project Reports
Version 2.2
February 2007
This document provides detailed guidance on conducting a technical review of the Annual Report and Post-Installation Report submitted for a Super ESPC project.
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Federal ESPC Quality Assurance & Improvement Team Products
M&V Plan Outline
November 2004 (.doc)
This template for an M&V plan was developed for use on all Federal ESPC projects, and is required for Super ESPC projects. Commissioning requirements are not covered.
Post-Installation M&V Report Outline
November 2004 (.doc)
This template for post-installation M&V report was developed for use on all Federal ESPC projects, and is required for Super ESPC projects. Reporting on commissioning procedures is not included.
Annual Report Outline
November 2004 (.doc)
This outline details a comprehensive reporting format for annual measurement & verification (M&V) reports for ESPC projects. In addition to providing place holders
for M&V activities, this outline includes reporting on verification of performance, operations, and maintenance activities.
This reporting template is required on Super ESPC projects.
M&V Planning Tool
June 2003 (.zip)
The goal of the M&V Planning Tool is to provide a framework that will help in the development of a technically rigorous M&V plan.  The Tool helps by identifying M&V specific issues at an early stage of project development and by assessing risks and the cost implications of different approaches. M&V Planning Tool is provided as one zipped file which contains one Word file (to be read first) and two Powerpoint files.
Project Documentation Filing structure
2003 (.xls)
Documentation framework developed to ensure project/contract continuity over the Delivery Order/Task Order life.
Including Retro-Commissioning in Federal ESPCs

Example Retro-Commissioning Scope of Work
January 2004 (.doc)

Prepared by the FEMP M&V Team, the first document provides an overview of including retro-commissioning with a performance contract. 

This document is a step-by-step scope of work which can be used to incorporate retro-commissioning services into a Super ESPC project.

Strategies For The Application of Advanced Meters and metering Systems on Federal Facilities Through Alternatively Financed Contracts
January 2005 (.doc)
Identifies opportunities and establish guidance to install advanced metering technologies at federal sites, particularly via existing or new alternative financing vehicles.
Commissioning Guidance Document for DOE Super ESPCs
October 2004 (.pdf)
This guideline describes how to implement the commissioning process in federal performance contracts, specifically Super ESPC.
Agency Witnessing Guidelines
February 2007
This guide recommends procedures for government agencies in witnessing baseline, post-installation, first-year, and annual measurement and verification (M&V) inspections and analyses.  Agencies are urged to designate individual(s) to observe these inspections, review the resulting M&V reports by the ESCO, and certify in writing that those reports are acceptable to the agency.  It is further recommended that this witnessing and approval be integrated with the processing of payment to the ESCO.
Standard M&V Plan for Lighting Retrofits
January 2007
This document provides a comprehensive framework for a measurement and verification (M&V) Plan for lighting projects performed via an energy performance contract.
Chiller Replacement Projects: Standard M&V Plan: Final
June 2008
This document provides a comprehensive framework for a measurement and verification (M&V) Plan for chiller replacement projects performed via an energy performance contract. A working group of industry and private sector parties involved with DOE’s Super ESPC Program developed this document.
One-Time Payment and Savings Guidelines
December 2006
This document provides guidance regarding one-time payments from agencies to contractors in federal energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs). 
Determine and Verify OM Savings in Federal ESPCs
November 2007
Draft document under development for O&M Savings Determination Working Group of the Federal ESPC Steering Committee. Key items identified discussed are baseline documentation, savings calculation methods, and verification of O&M and R&R savings.
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Draft M&V Documents
Draft FEMP Super ESPC M&V Process Map
December 2004
Lays out key M&V activities during the different phase of the Super ESPC process and also lists the parties (individual or joint) responsible for the primary action.
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FEMP M&V Reports
Performance Report Evaluation
Executive Summary

September 2004 (.doc)
This document (completed in September 2004) summarizes the third review effort to evaluate the measurement & verification (M&V) conducted in Super ESPC projects. These reviews are part of FEMP’s effort to ensure and improve the quality of projects implemented under the Super ESPC program.
Annual Report Review
June 2002
The annual measurement and verification (M&V) report documents the energy savings from the SuperESPC projects as per the agreed M&V plan between the Federal agency and the respective ESCO. FEMP examined the annual M&V reports for five western region SuperESPC projects to determine the quality, accuracy, and adherence to the approved M&V plans.
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Background Documents

Continuous Commissioning  Guidebook

Continuous Commissioning Guidebook for Federal Energy Managers provides specific details on optimizing commercial building systems through metering various types of systems, setting performance benchmarks, and calculating energy savings.  This guide was developed for FEMP by Texas A&M and is dated October 2002. 
DRAFT Renewable Energy Guide
October 2000
Proposed revision to Chapter 35 Renewable Energy Technologies, of the FEMP Measurement and Verification Guidelines for Federal Energy Projects. Alternatively, this may be published as a separate guide.
M & V for Operations and Maintenance Technical Note
April 27, 1998
This four-page technical note summarizes issues associated with implementing M&V protocols on operations and maintenance improvements.
Background Paper on
M&V for O&M
This document identifies issues and approaches for measuring and verifying (M&V) savings associated with improvements in operations and maintenance (O&M) of commercial and institutional buildings.

Application of FEMP 
M&V Guidelines on Super ESPC Projects: Observations and Recommendations

May 2000

Technical Appendix

This report describes 7 Super ESPC projects in the Western Region, noting common practices and including 11 recommendations for improving M & V planning and implementation.
DOE ESPC Procedures and Methods Excerpts from the Energy Policy Act of 1992 related to ESPC and M&V, 10 CFR Part 436.
Advanced Utility Metering Overview of options in metering technology, system architecture, implementation & relative costs. (published by NREL in 2002)
Baseline Adjustments Issue paper on Baseline Adjustments (1993)

M&V Value Tool Specifications
May 19, 2001

Spreadsheet of Example Projects

This file contains functional specifications for an alpha version of a tool that helps users calculate energy savings, savings uncertainty, and M&V costs for energy end-use equipment projects. It is a planning tool to develop and compare different M&V activities based on uncertainty and cost, and help the user either select the most cost-effective M&V plan for their project, or apply limited resources where they will be most effective.

The spreadsheet contains two example projects that use the methodology contained in the specifications, and are provided for developers to check the Tool's output.

M&V Case Study
November 2001
M&V Case Study Power Point Presentation
Practical Guide for Commissioning Existing Buildings

Practical Guide for Commissioning Existing Buildings
A guide of almost 150 pages prepared by the staff of Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. and Oak Ridge National Laboratory that covers the benefits and how-to's of retro-commissioning projects. Individual guide sections are available in WordPerfect 6/7/8/9 file format (use the link, left).

This link downloads the entire retro-commissioning guide in PDF format, 380 KB.

Commissioning In Energy Performance Contracts
April 2000

This paper investigates issues related to Energy Savings Performance Contracts (PCs). It provides specific guidance on how to incorporate and integrate commissioning into various types of PC contracts and for various types of buildings and equipment. The information in this paper can assist both owners and contractors in planning and conducting appropriate and efficient commissioning in their PC projects.

Proper Use of Stipulations in M&V This FEMP Focus article provides an overview of the proper use of Option A M&V methods, as detailed in Detailed Guidelines for FEMP M&V Option A.
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Air Force ESPC Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency - Energy Savings Performance Contracts - Details contract vehicles, training and publications available. Various Air Force measurement and verification standard templates, and workbooks for each template, have recently been under development for common energy conservation measures. They are provided here as examples of standard templates, but are not offered as approved templates for use in either DOD FEMP or Air Force ESPCs.  Click here for a list of these workbooks and templates.


Guidance and tools on Energy Savings Performance Contracting from Facilities and Housing Directorate - Utilities and US Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville.
Defense Energy Support General Information on ESPC and support services through Defense Energy Support - Energy Conservation Branch.
Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) An informational site providing an overview of current international performance M&V protocols (IPMVP) and best practices available for verifying results of energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy projects in commercial and industrial facilities. The web site contains information about MVP, why is M&V important, who develops and sponsors it, and provides links for downloading electronic copies of the protocol or requesting hard copies of the MVP.
Commissioning and O&M Resources Portland Energy Conservation Inc.'s page for Commissioning and O&M Resources. The page contains links to documents and organizations related to building commissioning and operation and maintenance.
FEMP Super ESPC homepage FEMP's home page for ESPCs. Includes links to tools, guides, and contracts.
Navy/Marines ESPC Dept. of the Navy - Navy energy saving performance contracting site provides details on available contract vehicles, training, and publications.
M&V Instructional Tool The Monitoring and Verification (M&V) Instructional Tool was developed by Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) to provide basic information on M&V with the ability to drill down to get more detail.  The tool is presented in a Windows Help format as a compiled help file (CHM), like help files in Microsoft Windows.
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This page last updated: 21 July 2008