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Your community

Just like you have relationships with family and friends that take work, it is also important to work on your relationship with your community. “Community” means the people around you. You have a community at your school and in your town. You can be a good member of your community by being a good person. You can be a good person by showing the good parts of your character. “Character” is a set of values that helps build your thoughts, actions, and feelings. This is a very important part of who we are.

People with strong character:

  • show compassion, which is caring about other people’s feelings and needs
  • always tell the truth
  • treat other people as they would like to be treated
  • show self-discipline, which is doing things like getting homework done on time without being told to
  • make good judgments, which are choices about what is right and wrong
  • show respect to others by being nice, treating others fairly, and letting other people have beliefs that may be different from their own
  • stand up for their beliefs
  • have a strong sense of responsibility, which means they take tasks such as schoolwork or taking care of a pet very seriously and work hard to do a good job
  • have self-respect, which means liking who you are and taking good care of yourself

Content last updated June 26, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
