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AIM Summer Program

summer_prog2Academy Introduction Mission (AIM)
It is important that you make an informed decision about applying to and attending the Coast Guard Academy. Our Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) is a one-week summer program that gives you the chance to see if the Academy is right for you, and if you have what it takes to succeed. If you are selected, you will experience the rigor, discipline, and rewards of the Coast Guard Academy personally, just like a cadet, for one week in July following your junior year in high school. You meet faculty and staff, learn about our academic, military, and athletic programs, talk with cadets who have sailed the Eagle, flown aircraft, and started their leadership journey, and meet with Coast Guard professionals who are protecting our nation right now. Success at AIM is a good indicator of success at the Coast Guard Academy. Typically, 50% of AIM grads earn appointments to the Academy. Valedictorians of the Academy's classes of 2000 and 2003 were AIM graduates.


CGA History

Running Light

running_lightsIn the maritime world, "running lights" are markers used to help identify a vessel's size, location, and direction. They provide the on-looking or approaching mariner explicit direction to help avoid collision. The CGA "Running Light" is a pocket-sized publication which has been used by the Academy to indoctrinate new Cadets since 1931. It is packed with information needed to succeed while at the Academy and avoid "collisions."
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