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Caitlin Cunningham
Chisago City, MN - Class of 2010
MAJOR: Marine Environmental Science

FAVORITES: Food Jalapeno Poppers, Ice Cream  Books The Mark of the Lion Series and Redeeming Love (both by Francine Rivers)  Sports Wakeboarding, Snowboarding/Skiing  Bands Skillet, Falling Up, Tim McGraw  Role Models Jesus Christ, my parents


JULY 2008

31 July

Wow, my cadre experience is over! The three weeks spent with the AIMsters was very rewarding and I learned a lot about myself. Being AIM cadre was my first real chance to step up as a leader. I had the chance to try three different leadership approaches for each week of AIM. Working together with the three other cadre in my section was great experience for later use out in the fleet. Often working with your own peer group can be more of a struggle than leading your subordinates. I think each cadre in Alfa Company filled their own specific role. We balanced each other nicely to work together as a team. Being a role model for the AIMsters was very humbling. My goal this summer was to inspire the AIMsters to follow their dreams and give them a glimpse of what life is like at the Academy, just like my AIM cadre did for me. I can only hope that this goal was accomplished.

As AIM cadre, my leave was split up, so I got a taste of it at the beginning of the summer and I still have two more weeks of leave to look forward to at the end. I can’t wait to be back in Minnesota out on my lake soaking up the sun and wakeboarding every spare moment! I also will be travelling to Glacier National Park in Montana with my sister for part of my leave to go camping, hiking, and kayaking. It will be a great time getting in touch with nature and spending time with my best friend! I’ve realized that when I go home, spending time with my family is the most important. Being 2,000 miles away from home, I do not get to see my family very often; therefore our lives have changed dramatically since I reported to the Coast Guard Academy. With leave, I am able to center myself, relax, and spend time with the people who mean the most to me.

Until next time…

2/c Caitlin Cunningham




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