Today's Highlights

Economic Policy

Financial Shakeups Hit Wall Street

Financial Shakeups Hit Wall Street


This weekend, investment bank Lehman Bro- thers Holding Inc. said it would file bankruptcy while Bank of America agreed to buy Merrill Lynch. The shakeups were due to losses from bad mortgage finance and real estate investments. U.S. Treasury Sec. Paulson & Fed. officials said they are opposed to using govern-
ment funds to aid Lehman.
Watch Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) on Economy
Pres. Bush on Financial Markets
W.H. Briefing with Sec. Paulson

Education Policy

Hurricane Ike

Aspen Institute Hosts Summit

Aspen Institute Hosts Summit


"An Urgent Call" is the title of the Aspen Institute's National Education Summit. The bi-partisan event looks for common ground in reforming public education. Speakers include Education Sec. Margaret Spellings and Sec. of State Condoleeza Rice.
Watch Sec. Rice Keynote Address
Regions Recover After Ike

Regions Recover After Ike


Louisiana & Texas have begun recovery efforts after Hurricane Ike hit the region. Pres. Bush declared 29 counties in Texas, as well as part of Louisiana, disaster areas. Later today, FEMA is expected to provide an update on its Hurricane relief efforts (3pm ET).
Read Pres. Bush - Sunday | Read FEMA - Sunday
Morning Session
Afternoon Session
The Aftermath of the Storm

Recent Programs

FEMA Press Briefing on Hurricane Ike - Monday FEMA Administrator David Paulison conducts a briefing to discuss ongoing relief efforts stemming from Hurricane Ike. Officials from the Coast Guard, the Dept. of Health & Human Services, the Dept. of Energy, and the Red Cross also participate.
Washington, DC : 31 min.
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  • The Communicators: FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell (R)

  • Q&A: Lionel, Host of "The Lionel Show"
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