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For Immediate Release: Friday, September 12, 2008
Contact: Glen   Sears 2022252865

Moore Expresses Support for Comprehensive Energy Reform Package

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Congressman Dennis Moore (Third District – Kansas) announced Friday his support for a proposed comprehensive energy package expected to be considered by the House next week.

“I support this comprehensive energy package because I’ve heard from so many constituents -- ‘We need relief at the pump!’” said Moore. “By expanding domestic drilling and production in an environmentally safe way, investing in energy efficiency and renewable sources, creating jobs in America when our economy is struggling, and decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, this legislation will help lower prices where it matters most: at the pump. This bill will get our country on the path to a cleaner, smarter, more cost-effective energy future.”

The comprehensive package includes a number of provisions to invest in America’s future by lowering energy costs for American working families, encourage conservation, create more jobs, and to increase domestic energy supply.

This comprehensive energy bill:

  • works to lower gas prices for consumers;
  • expands domestic drilling offshore and on land;
  • closes tax loopholes to expand renewable energy production;
  • provides tax credits for solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower, as well as the purchase of fuel-efficient, plug-in hybrid vehicles;
  • ends government subsidies to big oil companies making record profits; and
  • creates good-paying jobs here in America.

"We must address our energy needs now,” Moore said. “I urge my Republican and Democratic colleagues to commit to working together, as I have, to enact this common-sense approach into law. If we do so, we can address our nation's energy needs, grow our economy and strengthen our national security. There's no time for partisan bickering."
