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Contact: Vaughn Jennings 202.225.2211

Sullivan Outraged Over Inaction on Gas Prices

Washington, Aug 1 -

Today, Congressman John Sullivan sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressing frustration over her decision to skip town for five weeks rather than address the record high gas prices American families and small businesses are paying.  Failure to allow an up or down vote on legislation to increase the supply of American-made energy clearly shows that House Democrats have their priorities all wrong. The text of the letter is below.

August 1, 2008

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi                                         
U.S. House of Representatives                         
H-232, The Capitol                                                       
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

I am writing to express my frustration with your decision to adjourn the House today for five weeks without allowing a vote on American-made energy production and independence.

As quoted in recent press statements regarding your refusal to allow a vote on domestic energy production, you responded by saying, 'I'm trying to save the planet'. While millions of American families across this country are suffering with the high price of gasoline, the American people deserve a response to this crisis that allows for increased energy production, not wild statements about planetary doom.

As you are hopefully aware, Oklahomans and all Americans are suffering under the weight of record high gas prices. With almost $4 gas having massively shifted public opinion in favor of increased domestic production, the time to spur American energy supply is now!

It is important that Congress address these rising energy costs in a sensible manner.  I support an “all of the above” comprehensive solution to our nation’s energy crisis - including development and expansion of American-made energy, greater conservation, and increased use of alternative and renewable energy sources.  By decreasing our dependence on foreign oil and putting America on a path to energy security, we can lower the burden American families are currently facing due to high gas prices.

I know you personally oppose lifting the moratorium on environmentally safe drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and on the Outer Continental Shelf. By refusing to allow a simple majority vote to lift these moratoria, you and your Democrat majority are accepting the status quo of high gas prices, and continued dependence of this country on expensive and unstable foreign oil.
Today, we are importing 70 percent of our oil at a staggering cost of $700 billion a year. Billions of dollars are leaving our homes and families to support foreign nations. This doesn’t make sense in a challenging economy. To help strengthen our economy, we must increase energy production here at home.

Again, I urge you to reconsider adjourning the House without a vote on American-made energy production and independence. We cannot afford to wait any longer.

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