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Text only of letters sent from the Committee on Energy and Commerce Democrats

April 3, 2003


The Honorable Michael K. Powell
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Dear Chairman Powell:

I understand that the Commission is considering an application submitted by SBC Communications, Inc., in accordance with Section 271 of the Communications Act of 1934 (the Act), to offer interLATA services in the State of Michigan.

I strongly support this application and note that consumers have benefitted handsomely in the six states where SBC is already permitted to offer long-distance service. Over 6 million customers in those states have chosen SBC to be their long-distance provider, and that number will continue to increase as SBC again this week lowered its consumer long-distance rates. The new competition has, in turn, forced AT&T, WorldCom, and other competitors to compete more aggressively. For example, in the states where SBC is competing, AT&T lowered its rates and offered its customers 30 minutes free long-distance service to keep them from switching. Michigan consumers deserve the same benefits as consumers in these other states.

SBC’s application received unanimous support from the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) and the Michigan Attorney General earlier this year. In particular, the MPSC noted that "competition is flourishing in Michigan," and that "the evidence demonstrates that the SBC network is irreversibly open to competitors on a non-discriminatory basis." I understand that competitors in Michigan have captured nearly a third of SBC’s local telephone lines and that this number represents a far larger market share than in states where the Commission has already granted applications under Section 271 of the Act. Indeed, I suggest to you that the extraordinary level of competition in Michigan indicates that the market is irreversibly open.

I also call to your attention the support given to SBC’s application by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and, in particular, the more than 13,000 CWA members living and working in Michigan. The CWA represents the men and women in Michigan who maintain the network, climb the poles, and work in the manholes to make the telephone company infrastructure work. CWA members service the phone lines offered by both SBC and its competitors and have a birdseye view of the state of competition. For this reason, I believe their views on local competition merit special consideration by the Commission.

The time has come for Michigan’s consumers to receive the benefits of full competition – benefits that are already being enjoyed by consumers in 38 other states. I appreciate your consideration of this letter and ask that it be made part of the proceeding record.





cc: The Honorable W. J. "Billy" Tauzin, Chairman

Committee on Energy and Commerce

Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515