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Holes in the Draft Republican Prescription Drug Bill


  • The Republican bill covers less than a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries’ estimated drug costs over the next 10 years.
  • The Republican bill pays nothing for drug costs between $2,000 and $4,800; nearly half of all seniors have drug spending over $2,000 and will receive no drug coverage for part of the year.

No Defined Benefit

  • The bill does not entitle seniors to any particular drug benefit; "standard" benefit is merely a suggestion for what private plans might offer.
  • Republicans do not let seniors know what to expect from their drug benefit from year to year; coverage will depend on whether private plans decide to participate, what they decide to offer, where they decide to offer it, and how much they charge for it.

No Guaranteed Premium

  • The figure of a $33 per month premium appears nowhere in the text of the bill; it is merely a guess as to what private plans might offer. Actual premiums can be much higher and will vary among plans.
  • Their bill does not guarantee that seniors will have affordable drug coverage. Instead, seniors will be forced to choose between HMOs and risky private drug-only insurance plans.

Geographic Inequalities

  • Their bill allows private plans to vary price, benefit design, and availability of drug coverage all across the country.
  • It permits private plans to vary premiums from county to county, so a senior in Florida may pay a different premium than a senior in Minnesota for the exact same benefit.
  • It replicates problems in the Medicare+Choice program, but with all 38 million seniors instead of 14% of them.

No Guaranteed Access

  • The Republican bill allows private plans to create strict formularies that limit access to prescribed drugs; drugs not on the formulary are not covered.
  • It permits private plans to deem even formulary drugs not covered if not prescribed according to the plan’s rules.
  • It requires private insurance plans to establish restrictive networks, depriving seniors of access to their local pharmacy.
  • It explicitly states that there are no limits on seniors’ cost-sharing for out-of-network pharmacies.

Inadequate Protections for Low-Income Seniors

  • The Republican bill fails to fill in the huge hole in coverage between $2,000 and $4,800 for low-income seniors. They are 100% on the hook for any drug costs in that window.
  • It permits plans to charge up to $5 per prescription for seniors below poverty.

Privatizes Medicare

  • The Republican bill forces seniors to obtain coverage through private drug-only insurance plans or HMOs. It is not a true Medicare benefit like Parts A or B, where all seniors are guaranteed a defined set of benefits at a uniform price.
  • Under their bill, there will be no universal, Medicare-sponsored prescription drug plan.
  • The Republican bills moves Medicare towards a defined contribution program with the ultimate goal of turning Medicare over to the private insurance market.


Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515