Taxes and Economy

Washington has a spending problem and this has led to a tax code that is hurting American families and our nation’s economy. Unfortunately, fiscal discipline in Congress seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Congressman Scalise has co-sponsored legislation that will reduce the tax burden that Americans face and cut wasteful government spending. Scalise has co-sponsored a proposed Constitutional Amendment (H.J.Res.21) to require Congress to pass a balanced budget. He has also co-sponsored legislation to repeal the death tax and to make the Bush tax cuts permanent (H.R. 2380 and H.R. 2734, respectively).

Congressman Scalise has a strong record of fiscal conservatism and fighting wasteful spending. As a state legislator, Scalise was a lead proponent of passing legislation that lowers the tax burden on individuals, families, and the small businesses that are the backbone of our economy. While in the Louisiana House of Representatives, Scalise passed the Scalise Rebate Protection bill that will protect your federal tax rebate checks from getting taxed by the state government. In 2002, Scalise was one of only a few members of the state legislature to oppose the Stelly Plan from its inception. When the legislature wanted to bloat the state budget with pork, Scalise stood up for the taxpayers. Scalise also led the effort to block the adding of more than 1,200 government jobs and passed critical earmark reform legislation.

Congressman Scalise firmly believes that we can create good, high-paying jobs and encourage personal savings by lowering the tax burden on our families. Congress must restore fiscal discipline and promote a tax policy that is fair to our families and small businesses. Congressman Scalise will continue to support and fight for legislation that lowers taxes, cuts wasteful government spending and strengthens our economy.

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