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The Public Record for the 108th Congress

This is a list of public information regarding telecommunication issues released in the 108th Congress by the Committee on Energy and Commerce Democrats. The information is listed by date.

If you require information that was available on this website for a previous Congress, please see our archives page.

» News Releases

» Statements

» Letters

» Dear Colleague Letters


News Releases

October 21 , 2004

"Dingell Releases FCC Response to Sinclair Broadcasting Inquiry"

September 24, 2003

"Tauzin, Dingell Express Disappointment Over Ruling on Do-Not-Call Registry"

June 2, 2003

Statement of Congressman John D. Dingell in response to the FCC decision on media ownership rules

February 20, 2003

Statement of Congressman John D. Dingell on the FCC Announcement



October 8, 2004

Floor consideration of H.R. 10 -- Barton amendment regarding digital television transition and public safety

September 8, 2004

Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet Hearing on "Law Enforcement Access to Communications Systems in a Digital Age"

July 21, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "The Digital Transition: What Can We Learn From Berlin"

July 14, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "Competition and Consumer Choice in the MVPD Marketplace"

July 7, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "Voice Over Internet Protocol Services: Will the technology disrupt the industry or will regulation disrupt the technology?"

June 24, 2004

Opening Statement at the Full Committee Markup of H.R. 2029, H.R. 2023, S. 741, H.R. 4555, H.R. 3981, H.R. 4600

June 23, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "Protecting Homeland Security: A Status Report on Interoperability Between Public Safety Communications Systems"

June 15, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2004"

June 2, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "Advancing the DTV Transition: An Examination of the FCC Media Bureau Proposal"

April 28, 2004

Subcommittee markup of a bill reauthorizing the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act

April 1, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on H.R. ____, Legislation to Reauthorize the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act

March 11, 2004

Floor debate on H.R. 3717, the "Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2003"

March 10, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "Oversight of the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act"

March 3, 2004

Full Committee Markup of H.R. 3717, the "Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004"

February 11, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on H.R. 3717, "Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act"

February 4, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "The Current State of Competition in The Telecommunications Marketplace"

January 28, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on FCC enforcement with respect to broadcast indecency

September 23, 2003

Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection joint Hearing with the Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet on "H.R.__, the Database and Collection of Information Misappropriation Act of 2003"

September 24, 2003

Subcommittee hearing on the Future of Universal Service

July 21, 2003

Subcommittee hearing on "The Regulatory Status of Broadband Services: Information Services, Common Carriage, or Something In Between?"

July 9, 2003

Joint Subcommittee hearing on "Legislative Efforts to Combat Spam"

July 9, 2003

Full Committee Markup of H.R. 1950, the "Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005 (Section 730)," H.Con.Res. 215, and H.Res. 296

June 12, 2003

Floor debate on H.R. 2312, the "ORBIT Technical Corrections Act"

June 4, 2003

Subcommittee hearing on "Wireless E-911 Implementation: Progress and Remaining Hurdles"

April 9, 2003

Subcommittee markup of H.R. 1320, the "Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act"

March 25, 2003

Subcommittee markup of H.R. 1320, the "Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act"

February 26, 2003

Subcommittee hearing on the "Health of the Telecommunications Sector: A Perspective from the Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission"

February 5, 2003

Subcommittee hearing on "Health of the Telecommunications Sector: A Perspective From Investors and Economists"


Letters on Current Issues

October 28, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell asking the FCC to investigate and answer questions regarding Pappas Telecasting Companies donation of free airtime to certain preferred political candidates

October 27, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding changes made by the FCC that has resulted in withholding of hundreds of millions of dollars in commitments for Internet funding for schools, libraries, and rural healthcare facilities under the E-rate programItem is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

October 25, 2004

to Mr. George McDonald, Vice President, Schools and Libraries Division, Universal Service Administrative Company

October 22, 2004

to David D. Smith, President and CEO, Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.

October 20, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and the jurisdiction of the FCC

October 13, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell asking the FCC to investigate and answer questions related to reported Sinclair Broadcasting plans to preempt their network feeds to local stations in order to show a film that has been criticized as highly inaccurate and partisanItem is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

June 16, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding AT&T Corp. Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding Enhanced Prepaid Calling Card Services, WC Docket No. 03-133 Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

May 18, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell requesting the FCC provide a report to the Committee on Energy and Commerce that answers questions relating to the ability of MVPDs to voluntarily provide their customers programming on an a la carte or themed-tier basis Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

April 28, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding the FCC's consideration of a proposal to mitigate interference to public safety communications in the 800 MHz band Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

March 25, 2004

from Reps. Dingell, Solis, Markey, and Gonzalez to Ms. Susan Whiting, President and CEO, Nielsen Media Research, expressing concern about the accuracy of Nielsen Media Research's accounting of Latino television viewership Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

March 23, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding a proceeding currently under reconsideration by the FCC that relates to establishing a new procedure for removing local television stations from a portion of the band now used for Broadcast Auxiliary Services Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

March 17, 2004

to Attorney General Ashcroft urging the Justice Department not to seek a rehearing or appeal of the March 2, 2004, decision of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals the District of Columbia relating to the FCC's Triennial Review Order

March 9, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell urging the FCC to deny AT&T's petition for a declaratory ruling related to access charges [Identical letter sent to all FCC Commissioners]

March 5, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell from several Committee Members requesting that the FCC commence with a Notice of Inquiry on the issue of excessively violent broadcast television programming Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

February 20, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell asking questions related to how the FCC carries out its statutory responsibility to enforce against indecency in television and radio broadcasts

January 27, 2004

to Mr. Leslie Moonves, President, CBS Television Network, seeking information on industry practices related to the broadcast of indecent language on network television

January 27, 2004

to Mr. Robert Wright, Chairman and CEO, NBC Television Network, seeking information on industry practices related to the broadcast of indecent language on network television

January 27, 2004

to Ms. Gail Berman, President, FOX Broadcasting Company, seeking information on industry practices related to the broadcast of indecent language on network television

January 27, 2004

to Mr. Alex Wallau, President, ABC Television Network, seeking information on industry practices related to the broadcast of indecent language on network television

January 22, 2004

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding the August 2003 Triennial Review Order and broadband networks

November 21, 2003

to Federal Communications Commission Powell concerning universal service Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

October 2, 2003

to Treasury Secretary Snow regarding the proposed acquisition of Inmarsat Ventures

August 6, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell providing evidence relevant to the FCC's recent decision to weaken its media ownership rules

July 29, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell expressing concern over the current TELRIC pricing rules

May 20, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding the pending proceeding on local competition rules

May 12, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell from Reps. Dingell and Burr regarding the national television ownership cap and an adjustment in the UHF discount

May 8, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell from Reps. Dingell, Markey, Obey, and Serrano regarding rules governing media ownership

April 3, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding an application by SBC Communications, Inc. to provide interLATA services in the State of Michigan

March 21, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell regarding the Triennial Review decision Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

January 29, 2003

to FCC Chairman Powell urging the Commission to reform the wholesale pricing of telephone networks in order to promote facilities-based competition and speed the deployment of broadband services Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.


Dear Colleague Letters

(Letters to Fellow House Members on Current Legislation) [These letters are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read them. If this format will not work for you, please contact our office for a copy.]

September 9, 2003

"Support H.R. 2052, Keep Local Programming Decisions in the Hands of Local Communities"

June 3, 2003

"Protect Localism, Diversity and Competition in the Broadcast Marketplace" Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.

Item is a PDF. Click to access free Adobe software which will allow you to read the PDF.To read these documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer. Click on the icon below to download this software for free if you do not have it already installed.
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