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Environment & Hazardous Materials

The Public Record for the 108th Congress

This is a list of public information regarding the environment & hazardous materials' issues released in the 108th Congress by the Committee on Environment & Hazardous Materials and Commerce Democrats. The information is listed by date.

If you require information that was available on this website for a previous Congress, please see our archives page.

» News Releases

» Statements

» Letters

» Speeches

» Charts



News Releases

December 1 , 2004

"Top House and Senate Democrats Release Comments on Proposed EPA Rule"

October 21, 2004

"Brownfields Report Shows Big Funding Shorfall; Local Revitalization Efforts Suffer"

August 16, 2004

"Dramatic Funding Shortfalls Revealed in Superfund Program"

June 30, 2004

"GAO Says DOD is Failing to Sample and Clean Up Military Munitions; Known Perchlorate Contamination is Ignored"

April 14, 2004

"Dingell Requests New Public Health Assessment at Camp Lejeune"

April 7, 2004

"DOD Again Seeks Environmental Exemptions Despite Its Historic Record of Contamination"

See also Democratic staff prepared fact sheets:

March 11, 2004

"Dingell Calls for Stronger Protections Against Groundwater Contamination"

January 15, 2004

"DOD Failing to Clean Up Contamination From Unexploded Ordnance and Military Munitions"

September 17, 2003

Statement of Congressman John D. Dingell at the Press Conference on EPA's Response to the September 11 Attacks

May 1, 2003

"Dingell Calls on the DOD to Immediately Halt its Campaign to Exempt Itself from Environmental Laws"

April 30, 2003

"Bush Administration Ignores 44 Million Uninsured in U.S. As It Awards Contract for Universal Health Care in Iraq; Reps. DeGette, Dingell, Brown Demand President Commit to Health Care for All Americans and All Iraqis"

April 10, 2003

"Dingell Introduces Legislation to Halt the Flow of Unwanted Garbage into Michigan's Landfills"

March 19, 2003

"Subcommittee on Energy Republicans Vote AGAINST Bipartisan Compromise on Hydropower and FOR Diesel Fuel in Drinking Water"

March 18, 2003

"Dingell Calls on the Bush Administration to Submit Legislation to Address Vulnerability of Chemical Plants to Terrorist Attack"

January 21, 2003

"Dingell, Levin and Stabenow Join Forces to Keep Unwanted Canadian Garbage in Canada"


September 30, 2004

Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials Hearing on "Controlling Bioterror: Assessing Our Nation's Drinking Water Security"

September 23, 2004

Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials Markup to Consider H.R. 4940, the "Municipal Solid Waste Responsibility Act of 2004"

July 22, 2004

Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials hearing entitled "Tapped Out? Lead in the District of Columbia and the Providing of Safe Drinking Water"

July 13, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on "POPs, PIC, and LRTAP: The Role of the United States and Draft Legislation to Implement These International Conventions"

April 21, 2004

Joint Subcommittee hearing on "Current Environmental Issues Affecting the Readiness of the Department of Defense"

July 23, 2004

Subcommittee hearing on H.R. 283, H.R. 411, and H.R. 1730 (Legislation dealing with the transportation of waste.)

May 20, 2003

Press Conference on DOD Environmental Exemptions

March 5, 2003

Subcommittee hearing on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program

Letters on Current Issues

November 30, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt providing comments on the Proposed All Appropriate Inquiries Rule-Docket ID No. SFUND-2004-0001

November 16, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt asking for a complete response to the August 13, 2004, letter from Representatives Dingell and Solis regarding the Superfund funding shortfall

See EPA's Jan. 18, 2005 response

August 13, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt regarding the growing shortfalls in funding of the Superfund program

See EPA's Oct. 14, 2005 response

June 22, 2004

to Secretary of State Powell asking questions to further understand the Administration's position on ratification of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

June 22, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt asking the EPA to identify closed refineries that have permit applications pending so that those refineries can re-open or re-start to assist in the production of gasoline

April 14, 2004

to Dr. Henry Falk, Assistant Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, requesting a new public health assessment at Camp Lejeune

April 2, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt from several Members of Congress expressing serious concern over the slowdown in cleanups at Superfund sites throughout the United States and recent reports documenting insufficient funding of the Superfund program

March 24, 2004

to Assistant Administrator Horinko, EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, requesting an evaluation of the status of cleanup progress and listing of DOD facilities on the National Priorities List

March 12, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt expressing concern that the DOD is not aggressively investigating the existence of perchlorate and other contamination from munitions constituents at its facilities

March 3, 2004

to General Michael W. Hagee, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps, asking for information related to Superfund contamination at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

February 24, 2004

to EPA Inspector General Tinsley requesting that the IG's office provide a report on the funding needs for non-federal Superfund NPL sites

February 10, 2004

to DOD Secretary Rumsfeld requesting information about operational military ranges in the United States

February 5, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt from Reps. Dingell and Solis questioning why EPA regional staff were instructed not to speak with or provide information to Committee staff about perchlorate contamination at Department of Defense facilities

January 28, 2004

to EPA Administrator Leavitt from Senators Jeffords and Boxer and Reps. Dingell and Solis raising serious concerns with a proposed rule that would narrow the definition of "solid waste" under RCRA

October 21, 2003

to EPA Acting Administrator Horinko regarding the risks associated with the use of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

October 20, 2003

to EPA Acting Administrator Horinko in regard to reports of EPA downplaying concerns about environmental and health risks at and near Ground Zero in New York City

May 16, 2003

to Defense Secretary Rumsfeld asking the DOD to submit information regarding a survey of potential perchlorate contamination at all active and closed DOD facilities

May 13, 2003

to Comptroller General Walker asking the GAO to investigate and examine cleanup issues resulting from contamination from unexploded ordinance and munitions-related constituents at DOD "operational ranges"

April 30, 2003

to EPA Administrator Whitman urging the EPA to issue orders as necessary to obtain comprehensive information from the DOD concerning the occurrence of perchlorate in groundwater or surfacewater in its facilities

March 13, 2003

to Homeland Security Secretary Ridge and EPA Administrator Whitman requesting a meeting to discuss the vulnerability of our nation's chemical plants to terrorist attack

March 3, 2003

to Environment Subcommittee Chairman Gillmor from Democratic Members of the Subcommittee requesting a budget oversight hearing on the EPA's submitted budget for FY 2004

January 29, 2003

to EPA Administrator Whitman regarding EPA's trend toward weaker enforcement

January 23, 2003

to President Bush asking that he instruct the U.S. Attorney General to comply with a Federal law to evaluate the security of chemical facilities in the U.S.


May 21, 2003

Remarks before the Washington Automotive Press Association



Superfund NPL Site Cleanup Construction Completed by Fiscal Year (1988-2004)



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