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Congressman John D. Dingell, Ranking Member

Statement of Congressman John D. Dingell

September 15, 1998


This summer, the House of Representatives passed managed care legislation. It was a Republican bill, and it won't help any of the people here with us today. The Republican leadership bill, to put it bluntly, placed profits before patients.

The bipartisan legislation that I offered would have guaranteed that people got health care because a doctor decided it was medically necessary, not because an insurance company deigned to approve it. It would have guaranteed patients continuity of care when their employer switched plans or when their doctors were dropped or resigned from a network. It would have allowed patients to be part of approved clinical trials, and guaranteed them access to appropriate specialists.

These are all special concerns to those who have a disability or a chronic condition. They are also the concerns of anyone who enters our health care system.

I'm sorry to say that the Republican House leadership decided to turn their backs to the needs of people like Willis Lester and Peter Thomas, and that they didn't listen to the voices of caring providers like Dr. Viste. But I would observe that the fight is not over. The Senate still has a chance to write a good bill that will be signed into law, and I'm proud to stand here today with some good friends who are going to do just that.

Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515