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Republicans “Craft An Energy Package That Democrats Can Support” And “Could Have An Immediate Impact At The Pump”

Avg. Price Of Gas Nationwide:
$4.09 Per Gallon
(“National Unleaded Average,” AAA, 06/30/08)

“Exploring These Coastal Areas Could Have An Immediate Impact At The Pump”

MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE: “Off-Limits Coastal Areas Are Estimated By The U.S. Department Of The Interior To Hold Close To 19 Billion Barrels Of Recoverable Oil, As Well As Substantial Supplies Of Natural Gas. … Exploring These Coastal Areas Could Have An Immediate Impact At The Pump. Just The Possibility That Domestic Oil Supplies Are Expanding Likely Would Deter Speculators, Sending Prices Down.” (“Offshore Drilling Worthy Of Debate,” Star-Tribune, 06/28/08)

Media Note “In A Rather Dramatic Show Of Force” Republicans Craft A Bill “Democrats Can Support”

THE NEW YORK TIMES: “In a rather dramatic show of force, 22 Senate Republicans attended a news conference in a grassy park outside the Senate office buildings to trumpet the Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008. Most of them did not get a chance to speak, underscoring their dedication to the issue, since most senators do not relish playing a backdrop role.” (“An Inexhaustible Energy Source: Heated Words. But Can It Be Tapped?” The New York Times, 06/27/08)

“This time, with gas prices pushing $4 a gallon and more, opposition may be weakening.” (“Years after failed push, offshore drilling finds some new champions,” The Virginian Pilot, 06/28/08)

ROLL CALL: “In an acknowledgment that something must be done on the record-breaking gasoline prices, Senate Republicans are attempting to craft an energy package that Democrats can support. GOP Senators met for a second time Tuesday afternoon to discuss an energy package that would attract more than the usual suspects on the Democratic side.” (“GOP Floats Energy Proposals,” Roll Call, 06/24/08)

ASSOCIATED PRESS: “Separately, Senate Republicans proposed a revised energy package Thursday that would allow states to petition the Interior Department to lift the federal offshore drilling moratorium off their coasts, 50 miles from shore. States would get a financial windfall, 37.5 percent of the federal royalties. The GOP proposal, which also would provide incentives for developing plug-in electric hybrid automobiles and lift a prohibition on developing oil shale in the West, has 43 GOP co-sponsors. (House approves financial help for mass transit, Associated Press, 06/26/08)

Permalink Posted: July 1, 2008 at 11:38:42 AM EDT