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Senate Republicans Acting To Reduce Gas Prices
Media Notes “In A Rather Dramatic Show Of Force” Republicans Craft A Bill “Democrats Can Support”

THE NEW YORK TIMES: “In a rather dramatic show of force, 22 Senate Republicans attended a news conference in a grassy park outside the Senate office buildings to trumpet the Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008. Most of them did not get a chance to speak, underscoring their dedication to the issue, since most senators do not relish playing a backdrop role.” (“An Inexhaustible Energy Source: Heated Words. But Can It Be Tapped?” The New York Times, 06/27/08)

ASSOCIATED PRESS: “Separately, Senate Republicans proposed a revised energy package Thursday that would allow states to petition the Interior Department to lift the federal offshore drilling moratorium off their coasts, 50 miles from shore. States would get a financial windfall, 37.5 percent of the federal royalties. The GOP proposal, which also would provide incentives for developing plug-in electric hybrid automobiles and lift a prohibition on developing oil shale in the West, has 43 GOP co-sponsors. (House approves financial help for mass transit, Associated Press, 06/26/08)

THE HILL: “Senate Republicans unveiled an ambitious energy bill Thursday expected to establish a unified message on soaring gas prices leading up to the November elections. The bill, supported by nearly every member of the GOP Conference, essentially calls for more oil drilling while promoting less use and embracing some conservation measures. (“GOP Offers Energy Plan,” The Hill, 06/26/08)

ROLL CALL: “In an acknowledgment that something must be done on the record-breaking gasoline prices, Senate Republicans are attempting to craft an energy package that Democrats can support. GOP Senators met for a second time Tuesday afternoon to discuss an energy package that would attract more than the usual suspects on the Democratic side.” (“GOP Floats Energy Proposals,” Roll Call, 06/24/08)

CONGRESS DAILY: “Senate Republicans plan to introduce energy legislation as early as this week that will serve as the centerpiece of a messaging effort on gas prices, but it will not include language backed by President Bush to allow for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, GOP aides said Monday. Republicans see Democrats as vulnerable on the energy front during the run-up to the November elections, and they want to try to rack up as many GOP votes as possible.” (“Republicans Hoping Energy Measure Adds Fuel To Election-Year Strategy,” Congress Daily, 06/24/08)

THE HILL: “Senate Republicans aim to undercut Democrats’ claim to be the environmentally conscious party by combining their own conservation message with a longstanding push for more oil drilling.” (“GOP Going For Green,” The Hill, 06/25/08)

FOX BUSINESS’ RICH EDSON: “Senate Republicans rolled out something with concessions in it.” (Fox Business, 06/26/08)
Permalink Posted: June 27, 2008 at 11:26:41 AM EDT