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Research Papers


The research papers in this section were prepared at the request of the Commission to support its deliberations. They are posted to the Commission’s website in order to promote greater public understanding of the issues addressed by the Commission in its ongoing assessment of U.S.-China economic relations and their implications for U.S. security, as mandated by P.L. 106-398 and P.L. 108-7. Their posting to the Commission’s website does not imply an endorsement by the Commission or any individual Commissioner of the views or conclusions expressed in them.

Commission Contracted Research Papers


Postings 2005


A Working Paper entitled "A Great Wall of Patents" concludes ..."with the emergence of China, India and other developing nations as technology-seekers, the U.S. Congress must consider how any proposed changes in U.S. patent or other intellectual property laws might be used by pirates and counterfeiters in those nations to steal innovations owned by Americans. Read the Research Paper prepared by Manufacturing Policy Project. (PDF)


Request for proposals announcement has been extended to 5:30 pm Friday, June 17, 2005 (PDF)


The US Role in Taiwan's Defense Reforms: A Speech by Dr. Michael Pillsbury, Senior Research Advisor, U.S.-China Commission, ITDSS Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, February 29, 2004.


The United States and China in the Age of Globalization.

Postings 2004


The Changing Nature of Corporate Global Restructuring: The Impact of Production Shifts on Jobs in the U.S., China, and Around the Globe. Prepared for the Commission by Dr. Kate Bronfenbrenner of Cornell University and Dr. Stephanie Luce of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (PDF)


The US Role in Taiwan's Defense Reforms: A Speech by Dr. Michael Pillsbury, Senior Research Advisor, U.S.-China Commission, ITDSS Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, February 29, 2004.


The United States and China in the Age of Globalization.


The Sino-U.S. Relation and Its Structural Clash.


China Should Abandon the Foreign Policy of "taoguang yanghui" Bide our Time, Build our Capacities.


On the Manifestations and Origin of Sino-U.S. Trade Disputes.


What’s Wrong with the Sino-U.S. Trade Relation?


China's Future Route to Maritime Dominance.


The Worrisome Situation of the South China Sea - China Facing the Stepped-up Military Infiltration by the U.S., Japan and India.


China Worries at Sea.

Postings 2003


Sino-Japanese Rapprochement as a "Diplomatic Revolution" Shi Yinhong.


China Designates four strategic oil reserve bases: June 10, 2003, (Guangdong, China).


China’s Energy Challenged by the Pipeline Routes Dispute Li dingxin, Economic Reference (Jingji cankao bao) August 12, 2003.


Chinese Media Commentary on the North Korean Nuclear Issue - July 6, 2003.


An Analysis of the Anti-American Sentiments Among Some Chinese Internet Users.


The Nuclear Crisis in North Korea and China's Military Countermeasures.


The Vociferous Celebration of the Chinese People over the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster.

Postings 2002 & 2001



Investigation into the Military Implications of Technology and Skill Shifts to and Dependencies on the People's Republic of China by the U.S. Defense Industrial Base by Dr. Charles W. McMillion - June 5, 2002 (PDF)


The Real Purpose of the American March into Central Asia, By Gao Fuqiu, Outlook (Liaowang) Magazine, May 10, 2002. (PDF)


The Upgrading of U.S. Nuclear Deterrence, By Ni Lexiong, The Globe Magazine (Huanqiu), issue 304, April 15, 2002. (PDF)


Military Preparation and Possible Models for the Defense Budget Increase, By Liu Yang, PLA Institute of Military Economics, and Wang Cong, PLA Shenyang Miliary Zone Joint Staff HQ, Military Economics Study (PLA), November 2001. (PDF)


Dialogue Among Civilizations: Implications for International Relations, By Shen Qurong, Former President and Research Professor, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Xandai Guoji Guangxi (Contemporary International Relations), September 2001. (PDF)


Factors Shaping Sino-Japanese Relations, By Feng Zhaokui, Research Professor, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Contemporary International Relations, September 2001. (PDF)


The Development of China's National Defense Industry in the Globalization Process, By Gong Chuanzhou & Ai Hua; Nanjing Army Command Institute, Artillery Institute of the People's Liberation Army, May 15, 2001. (PDF)


Logistical Mobilization for Military Combat in the Southeastern Coastal Region, By Li Shaozhuang & Qin Yang, The Logistical Department of Guangxi Military Command, December 18, 2000. (PDF)


Circumstances Affecting China's Defense Budget Increase, By Xia Jiren, PLA Institute of Military Economics, Military Economics Study, December 2000. (PDF)


WTO and China's Defense Industry (Parts III& IV), By Ye Weiping, The Chinese People's University, Strategy and Management, Issue No. 3, 2000. (PDF)


Don’t Isolate Ourselves, By Sa Benwang, Chinese Institute of International Strategic Studies, The Global Times (huanqiu shibao), Beijing; August 1999. (PDF)


Strength Gap Is The Reality, By Zhang Zhaozhong, Senior Colonel, People’s Liberation Army, and Professor, Chinese National Defense University (NDU); The Global Times (huanqiu shibao), Beijing; July 30, 1999. (PDF)


Thoughts On How to Use the Internet to Conduct Competing Intelligence Research, By Long Songzhen and Wang Cui, PLA General Staff Development Military Training Dept.; Chinese Defense Science and Technology Information Monthly; Issue 122, the 6th Issue of 1998. (PDF)


On Methods and Practice of Military Intelligence on Electronic Sciences & Technologies, By Liang Dewen, Number Ten Research Institute of Electronics; Chinese Defense Science and Technology Information Monthly; Issue 121, the 5th Issue of 1998. (PDF)


Seizing Historic Opportunities to Develop Our Weapons Systems, By Liu Yingguo and Hu Juping, Chinese National Defense University; Chinese Defense Science and Technology Information Monthy; Issue 120, the 4th Issue of 1998. (PDF)


A Successful Effort and Satisfying Results, Chinese Defense Science and Technology Information Monthly; Issue 114, the 5th Issues of 1997. (PDF)


WTO Entry and Opportunities for a Second Life in China's Military Enterprises, By Chen Donghua, Wu Jin & Feng Zuxin, The Command Institute of the Second Artillery Troops, Administrative Bureau, General Equipment Department, PLA, Military Economics Studies. (PDF)


A Few Issues Concerning Logistic Support for the Cross-strait Amphibious Landing Operation, By Yu Chuanxin, Academy of Military Science, Military Economics Studies. (PDF)


Logistic Support for Air-Borne Assault in Island Landing Operations - Problems and Counter-measures, By Li Wenbin & Qiu Guili, Logistics and Supply Section of Military Command 95942, PLA, Military Economics Studies. (PDF)


Certain Issues on China Countering Future Economic Sanctions, by Jiang Luming, The (Chinese) National Defense University, Military Economics Study, November 2001. (PDF)


APEC Shanghai Leaders’ Meeting and Prospects of APEC –Notes taken from a CICIR Roundtable. This article was published in Xiandai Guoji Guanxi (Contemporary International Relations) (2001.10), a Chinese Journal of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. (PDF)


Government Control of Market Access in China, by Zhou Qiren, Professor, Center for the Study of the Chinese Economy, Beijing University, China Austrian Review, August 2001. (PDF)


How Can China "Subdue Its Enemy Without Fighting"? -- On the Significance of Readjusting Economy and Culture for the War of National Unification; by Yang Fan, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Century China, July 18, 2001. (PDF)


Analysis and Strategic Study of Advantages/Disadvantages of China’s Entry into the WTO in Various Industries, by Yang Fan, Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , Spring 2001. (PDF)


The Core Problem of Financial Reforms in China, by He Qinglian, Excerpted from We Are Still Watching the Stars Above (2001)
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent. (PDF)


How Attractive is China's Market?, by Qiu Feng, China Austrian Review, September 1999. (PDF)


China's Latent Economic Crisis and Potential Risks, by He Qinglian, Modern China Studies, No. 2, 1999 (Volume 65)
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent. (PDF)


The Historical Orientation of China's Reform; by He Qinglian, Modern China Studies, No. 1, 1999 (Volume 64)
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent. (PDF)


Rural Economy at a Dead End: A Dialogue on Rural China, Peasants and Agriculture by He, Qinglian, Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago, and Cheng, Xiaonong, Editor-in-Chief, Contemporary China Studies
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent. (PDF)


What Are the Benefits of China's Entry into WTO?, by He Qinglian, Excerpted from We Are Still Watching the Stars Above
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent.


China Faces Financial Crisis at the Turn of the Century, by He Qinglian, 21st Century Issue No. 6, 1997
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent. (PDF)


Cold War Corpse: A Commentary on the U.S. Defense Department's Report on the PLA Military Strength, By Xue Xiang and Luo Yuan;; July 25, 2002. (PDF)


Bushism Is Emerging, By Weng Ming;; July 10, 2002. (PDF)


"September 11 Event" vs. Sino-US Relations, By Yuan Peng, Associate Research Professor and Deputy Director, Division for North and Latin American Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Xiandai Guoji Guanxi (Contemporary International Relations), November 2001. (PDF)


Security Dilemma, Balance of Power Vs. US Policy Towards China in the Post-Cold War Era, By Xin Benjian, Faculty, Luoyang PLA Foreign Language College, Xiandai Guoji Guanxi (Contemporary International Relations), September 2001. (PDF)


Sino-American Relations: Climbing High to See Afar, By Su Ge, Deputy General Director and Professor, China Institute of International Studies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Xiandai Guoji Guanxi (Contemporary International Relations), September 2001. (PDF)


Constantly Yielding To American Demands Is No Solution, By Wang Jisi, Director, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, The Global Times (huanqiu shibao), Beijing, September 3, 1999. (PDF)


Multi-polarity Does Not Equal an Anti-U.S. Position, Wang Yizhou; Research Fellow, Institute of World Economy and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; The Global Times (huanqiu shibao), Beijing; Summer 1999. (PDF)


The Anaconda in the Chandelier: Censorship in China Today A paper presented by Perry Link, Princeton University.


Turning Everyone Into a Censor: The Chinese Communist Party's All-Directional Control Over The Media; By Wu Xuecan (former editor at the People's Daily Overseas Edition) .(PDF)


Privatization Is the Right Way to Proceed and Parliamentary Democracy Conforms with the Times, By Cao Siyuan, June 2000. (PDF)


The Impact of Entry into the WTO on the Cultural Affairs in China; By the National Innovation System Team, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS); CASS Bulletin; Spring 2000. (PDF)


It Is Right To Pirate Software, By Wang Xiaodong, Editor, Strategy and Management, China and the World (Zhongguo yu shijie), November 1999. (PDF)


A Centrally Planned Economy Will Inevitably Create Inequality, By Qiu Feng, July 1999 (PDF)


The Negative Impact of the Internet and Its Solutions, by Ru Guangrong, Chinese Information Center for Defense Science and technology; Chinese Defense Science and Technology Information Monthly; Issue 121, 5th Issue of 1998. (PDF)


A Different Type of Social Power: Underground Criminal Organizations, by He Qinglian
Translation of articles by He Qinglian appear with her permission and may not be reproduced without her express consent. (PDF)