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Corporate Management

Showing the latest 20 entries for this Issue. Click here to show all related Press Releases.

Related Press Releases
07-26-05 Senator Collins’ Legislation Stops U.S. Companies from Using Foreign Subsidiaries to Do Business with Terrorist States

06-03-04 Lieberman Bill Protects Interests Of Small Investors

06-02-04 Sen. Collins’ Committee Releases New Staff Report on ULLICO Insider Stock Deals

05-25-04 Lieberman: Level The Playing Field For Small Investors

04-20-04 Lieberman: Stop Abuse of Stock Options

03-31-04 Chairman Collins Testifies Before Banking Committee on Need to Enact Mutual Fund Industry Reforms

03-25-04 Chairman Collins Urges SEC to Make Further Mutual Fund Industry Reforms

02-09-04 Chairman Collins Joins Senators Fitzgerald and Levin in Introducing Legislation to Reform Mutual Fund Industry

01-27-04 Collins Calls for Better Disclosure of Mutual Fund Fees, End to Hidden Expenses

01-23-04 American Taxpayers Bilked For $6 Million In Halliburton Bribes

01-16-04 Lawmakers Concerned About Possible Criminal Nature of Halliburton Overcharges

01-14-04 Lieberman Asks for Stricter Rules Against Mutual Funds Conflicts of Interest

12-03-03 Sen. Collins: SEC’s Mutual Fund Industry Reforms “A First Step”

12-03-03 Lieberman Says SEC Must Take More Aggressive Steps To Protect Mutual Fund Investors

11-19-03 Lieberman Urges Stronger Measure to Restore Investor Confidence in Mutual Funds

11-13-03 Lieberman Applauds Dodd/Corzine Plan

11-06-03 Lieberman Says NYSE Cannot Regulate Itself

11-03-03 Sen. Collins Questions Why SEC Has Failed to Detect Mutual Fund Abuses

11-03-03 Lieberman Strafes SEC for Lax Oversight of Mutual Funds
Middle Class Investors' Trust Abused all Over Again

06-19-03 Sen. Collins Urges ULLICO to Continue Its Cleanup Efforts

05-02-03 Senator Collins' Committee to Hold First Congressional Hearing on ULLICO Stock Deals

02-07-03 Lieberman Praises SEC Decision on Enron

10-24-02 Backtracking on SEC Oversight Funding

10-07-02 Financial Oversight of Enron: The SEC and Private-Sector Watchdogs

10-07-02 Report Reveals “Systemic and Catastrophic Failure” of Financial Oversight in Enron Case

06-18-02 Lieberman Hails Passage of Paperwork Reduction Legislation

05-15-02 Energy Regulators Negligent in Investigating Enron

05-07-02 “The Role of the Board of Directors in Enron’s Collapse”

03-27-02 Lieberman Seeks Enron Contacts From White House, Energy Task Force

02-27-02 Lieberman Questions Wall Street Analysts
Greater Protection Needed for Average Investors

02-27-02 Opening Statement: The Watchdogs Didn't Bark: Enron and Wall Street Analysts"

02-15-02 Lieberman, Thompson Seek Information on Agency Oversight of Enron Letters
Letters to Agencies; Subpoenas to Enron, Andersen

02-11-02 Lieberman Calls for 401(K) Reforms To Protect Employee Retirement Savings

01-02-02 Lieberman, Levin To Probe Enron Collapse
Related Files
(pdf) Committee Staff Investigation of FERC's Oversight of Enron Corp. (226.2 KBs)
() Enron Chart
() Lieberman, Waxman, Dingell Letter to
() Lieberman, Waxman, Dingell Letter to
(pdf) Lieberman, Waxman, Dingell letter to DOD (252.4 KBs)
(txt) S. Hrg. 107-618 The Role of the Financial Institutions in Enron's Collapse Report, Part 1 (Text only) (727.4 KBs)
(txt) S. Hrg. 107-618 The Role of the Financial Institutions in Enron's Collapse Report, Part 2 (Text only) (67.7 KBs)

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510