Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Postal Service

Will Increased Postal Rates Put Mailers out of Business?

Table of Contents


Video of the Hearing

On Tuesday, October 30 in room 2154 Rayburn, the Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled, "Will Increased Postal Rates Put Mailers out of Business?"

The following witnesses are expected to testify at the hearing:

Panel I Mr. James C. Miller, III Chairman, Board of Governors, United States Postal Service

Mr. Steve Kearney, Vice President of Pricing and Classification, United States Postal Service

Mr. Dan Blair, Chairman, Postal Regulatory Commission

Panel II

Mr. Steve Stallone, President, International Labor Communications Association

Mr. Victor Navasky, Publisher Emeritus, The Nation and the Columbia Journalism Review

Mr. Jeff Hollingsworth, Vice President, Eagle Publishing

Mr. Max Heath, Vice-President of Postal/Acquisitions, Landmark Community Newspapers

Mr. Hamilton Davison, Executive Director, American Catalog Mailers Association

Mr. David Straus, Counsel, American Business Media

Panel III

Mr. James O’Brien, Vice President Distribution & Postal Affairs, Time Inc.

Mr. Mark White, Vice President Manufacturing, U.S. News & World Reports

Mr. Joseph Schick, Director Postal Affairs, Quad/Graphics Inc.

Mr. Brad Nathan, President, Quebecor World Logistics

Mr. Jerry Cerasale, Senior Vice President Government Affairs, Direct Marketing Association

Mr. Clay Hall, Chief Executive Officer, Aspire Media