What they are saying about Congressman Steve Scalise

"The conservative movement ought to take note, because Scalise is the "real deal," a legislator who not only talks a good game but also follows through and makes good things happen." [The American Spectator, "Conservative Star Ascendent," June 27, 2008]

"The 43-year-old Republican, Steve Scalise, had pinpointed today's GOP vulnerabilities, and ran an anti-status-quo campaign. His focal point was wasteful spending, and he touted his legislation to reform Louisiana's earmark process. Another hallmark was ethics reform and his fight against public corruption. He talked up competitive private health care, lower taxes and school choice." [Wall Street Journal, Kimberely A. Strassel, Potomac Watch, "A Louisiana Lesson for the GOP," May 9, 2008]

"In short, the GOP needs more Scalises in these local races, more "Mr. Cleans." In that way, personnel become policy — and that's how a party can redefine itself." [Harrisonburg, VA, Daily News Review, Editorial, "Two Parties in Trouble," May 16, 2008]

"His experience in Baton Rouge would allow him to make a swift transition in Congress, which is particularly important as this area continues to recover from disaster.

"As a House member Mr. Scalise won passage of his legislation to create the state's tax incentive program for the film industry. He also was an early backer of the effort to consolidate levee boards in greater New Orleans post-Katrina and has been a consistent voice for fiscal restraint." [The Times-Picayune, "Endorsement: Scalise for Congress," May 1, 2008]

"One insider tells me that conservatives are elated because Scalise is better than Jindal on many key issues, such as health care. Maybe Republicans have a hard time winning, but conservatives are happy to take this victory." [The LOTUS blog, Lisa De Pasquale, CPAC director at the ACU, May 19, 2008]

"Scalise will be reliably conservative vote in the House. He is an opponent of abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage and illegal immigration. He wants to make permanent the tax cuts that were implemented in 2001 and 2003 at the urging of the Bush administration." [Congressional Quarterly, Greg Giroux; "Cazayoux, Scalise win Louisiana seats," Weekly Report, May 5-9, 2008]

"While national attention focused on three special elections in which Democrats wrested control of Republican districts, [Scalise] was mowing down opponents." [The Baton Rouge Advocate, "Rep. Scalise starts a new job," Washington Watch, June 1, 2008]

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