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Student Resources

As America strives for continued success on the global stage, I am committed to helping prepare the next generation of Americans to excel in our communities and the work place.  Jefferson County has a proud educational heritage and continues to make huge strides.  I encourage students, parents, and teachers to use my office as a resource as we all work together to help Louisville's students achieve their goals and dreams.


If you cannot find the help you need on my website, please contact either of my offices:

D.C. Office                     Louisville Office
319 Cannon House                               Romano Mazzoli Federal Building
Office Building                                       600 Martin Luther King, Jr. Place

Washington, DC 20515                        Suite 216
202-225-5401                                         Louisville, KY 40202
202-225-5776 (Fax)                               502-582-5129
                                                                   502-582-5897 (Fax)