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Committee on Science and Technology

Press Releases :: January 4, 2007

Committee Begins 110th Congress With New Name, Website And Ambitious Agenda

Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN) began his tenure as a House Committee Chairman with the announcement of a new name for the Committee, a new website and an overview of action areas that will comprise an ambitious agenda for the 110th Congress.

The House Rules Package (H.Res. 6) passed today changes the Committee’s name from the Committee on Science to the Committee on Science and Technology.  This name change brings the Committee back to its roots to more accurately reflect its broad jurisdiction in the areas of science, research and technology.

The Committee also unveiled its new website – – a one-stop shop for the latest science and Committee news, hearing and event schedules and broadcasts, science educational tools for teachers and students, and a clearinghouse of federal science resources.

"The Committee on Science and Technology has an exciting session ahead," stated Chairman Gordon.  "We look forward to listening to "good ideas" from our Committee Members and the public as we work to assure America’s competitiveness in the world."

Among the areas on the Committee’s agenda in the new Congress: a continued effort to assure that U.S. workers are equipped to compete in the global economy; a firm commitment to math and science education on all levels; work to utilize the strategic energy fund created in Congress’ "first 100 hours" to increase our nation’s energy independence; maximizing the effectiveness of the nation’s civil and commercial space and aeronautics programs; working to assure the security of our nation, citizens and communities; and insuring adequate federal support for basic research.

Chairman Gordon added, "The federal commitment to science, technology and research is an integral part of the U.S. ability to compete in the global economy.  In the next few weeks, the President will submit his budget to Congress.  I am hopeful he will finally fulfill the pledge he made in last year’s State of the Union address to act on and fund competitiveness and innovation efforts with clear budget direction."

Chairman Gordon expects the Committee to meet in the coming weeks to formally organize and assemble subcommittees.  The first order of legislative business will likely be a "housekeeping" mark-up session aimed at clearing non-controversial bills that passed the Committee in the 109th Congress, but failed to complete the legislative cycle.



News from the House Science and Technology Committee
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Bart Gordon, Chairman


2321 Rayburn Building Washington, D.C. 20515 | Phone: (202) 225-6375 Fax: (202) 225-3895 | Contact Us Online