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The Secure America through Verification and Enforcement Act of 2007 {H.R. 4088 - Shuler

Title I—Secure America's Borders


The Prohibition Against Criminal Alien Re-entry Act of 2007, H.R. 3145 - Courtesy of Rep. Thelma Drake (R-VA)

In 2006, the State of Texas executed Angel Resendez (aka the “Railroad killer”), an illegal alien from Mexico who committed a series of brutal murders during the late 1990s.  Throughout Resendez’s killing spree he was able to continually cross our border despite numerous run-ins with law enforcement and an extensive rap sheet that included theft, trespassing, weapons violations and assault. 


Strengthen Maritime Security, H.R. 2490 - Courtesy of Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)


Basic Pilot Legislation H.R. 2058 - Courtesy of Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA)

H.R. 2508, would require a company competing for a government contract to participate in the Basic Pilot Program and help ensure that all government contractors are in compliance with all federal laws.


Prohibit Mortgages to Illegal Immigrants H.R. 1427 - Courtesy of Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA)

H.R. 1427 would prohibit Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae from purchasing residential mortgages from anyone without a valid Social Security number, thus preventing illegal aliens from getting home loans.  Currently, people who use Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers rather than Social Security numbers can qualify for home loans; however, there is no way of ensuring whether they are legal residents.  A Social Security card would provide lenders the confidence of knowing the people seeking mortgages have a legal right to be here because the Social Security Administration verifies legal residence status prior to issuing a number.  The following facts may be helpful in addressing some of the misinformation used to oppose this common-sense reform:


Empowering Our Local Communities Act of 2007 H.R. 2109 - Courtesy of Rep. Thelma Drake (R-VA)

Legislation strengthens our nation’s immigration laws by providing local communities with additional resources to identify and remove illegal aliens. The Empowering Our Local Communities Act authorizes an increase of $35 million over FY 2007 levels for an existing program that encourages partnerships between the federal government and state and local law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, it makes it a criminal offense to be in the United States illegally and toughens national DUI laws for those unlawfully present in the United States.


Help Maintain the Integrity of our Immigration System and the Sovereignty of our Great Nation H. Res. 351 - Courtesy of Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK)

Current Cosponsors include: Reps: Barton, Feeney, Campbell, Alexander, Gingrey, Hunter, Marchant, Wamp, Carter, Foxx, Goode, Sam Johnson, McHenry, Drake, Myrick
