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Military and Veterans

Our great nation was built on the dedication of our military personnel and their willingness to sacrifice.  We owe them our best resources while they serve and a tremendous and unending debt when they return home. 
There is no excuse for the appalling conditions that American soldiers described to me at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  I will work diligently to ensure the nightmare at Walter Reed and substandard conditions at other hospitals is quickly put behind us. That is why I supported and voted for of the Wounded Warriors Assistance Act.  This legislation will improve training for case managers, improve transition services for those coming into the Veterans Affairs system from active duty, reform the disability evaluation program, track active duty personnel who require additional treatment, and create a patient advocacy program with a toll-free hotline for patients and family members who require rapid responses to remediate substantiated complaints.  I am proud to have supported this legislation which will improve the care our service members receive.
I am actively working to prevent the Administration from increasing TRICARE fees for veterans.  I also voted to raise funding for veterans' health benefits and extend concurrent retirement and disability payments to more of our nation’s veterans.

As extended deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have strained our troops and their families, as well as the equipment on which they rely, we also must do more to ensure our armed forces have the tools and resources they need while fighting for our nation. There is no excuse for sending American soldiers into battle without adequate gear or training.  Additionally, our reliance on the National Guard abroad has depleted reinforcements at home, leaving us vulnerable in national emergencies.  I am committed to providing the best training, equipment, and deployment conditions for the men and women serving in our Armed Forces.

When we challenge our young men and women to put on a uniform and risk their lives for our country, we promise to take care of those who answer the call.  Honoring this pact is among the key virtues that make America worth fighting for, and I intend to see that it is fully honored.