Committee Information

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Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry Subcommittee

(Subordinate of the Agriculture Committee)

Mailing Address:1301 LHOB
Washington, DC 20515-6007Telephone:(202) 225-2171


  1. Charles W. Boustany, LA
  2. Jerry Moran, KS
  3. Steve King, IA
  4. Randy Neugebauer, TX
  5. Vacancy


  1. Joe Baca, CA, Chairman
  2. Earl Pomeroy, ND
  3. Nick Lampson, TX
  4. Steve Kagen, WI
  5. Nancy E. Boyda, KS
  6. Travis W. Childers, MS

Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601
(202) 225-7000 |