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October 15, 2003  
Supports Legislation to Increase Penalties for Maritime Crimes
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Susan Collins
(R-ME) today joined a group of bipartisan senators in cosponsoring legislation aimed at strengthening America’s seaports against terrorist attacks.

“Maine has 3,500 miles of coastline and our seaports are potential targets of terrorist attacks,” said Senator Collins, whose committee has jurisdiction over homeland security issues. “The legislation I am supporting will help keep our seaports safe by deterring attacks before they occur.”

Portland, Maine is the largest foreign inbound transit port in the United States in terms of tonnage and is among the nation’s top 10 ports in total tonnage.

The legislation, Reducing Crime and Terrorism at America's Seaports Act of 2003 (S. 1587), would make it a crime to use a vessel to smuggle terrorists or dangerous materials into the United States, impose stiff criminal penalties for providing false information to a federal law enforcement officer at a port or on a vessel, and double the sentence of anyone who fraudulently gains access to a seaport.

Sponsored by Sens. Joe Biden (D-DE) and Arlen Specter (R-PA), the bill also would prohibit the carrying of a dangerous weapon at a seaport or on board a vessel and make it a federal offense to commit a violent assault on anyone at a maritime facility; increase penalties for smugglers who misrepresent illicit cargo; require the reporting of cargo theft offenses; and instruct the Attorney General to create a government-only database containing the reported information.

Senator Collins is co-chair of the Congressional Port Security Caucus, which focuses on the security needs of the nation’s ports. She also held hearings earlier this year to examine the federal government’s efforts to ensure that the millions of cargo containers entering the United States each year are not used as weapons of terrorism.
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October 2003 Press Releases
September   November   --   2002   2004  
October 31 - Education Secretary Pledges to Work With Chairman Collins To Combat Use of Diploma Mill Degrees

October 24 - Senate Approves Collins’ Contracting Amendment in Treasury-Postal Spending Bill

October 24 - Sen. Collins Seeks Explanation of Why Contracting Waivers Have Been Granted to MCI

October 23 - Sen. Collins Pledges to Expedite Admiral Loy’s Nomination

October 22 - Committee Approves Bills Affecting Homeland Security, the Federal Workforce, and D.C.

October 22 - Committee Approves Collins’ Bill to Provide Cutting Edge Counterterrorism Equipment to Communities

October 22 - Committee Approves Collins’ Bill to Provide Budget Autonomy to the District of Columbia

October 21 - Federal Electronic Rulemaking Progresses, But More Work is Needed

October 20 - Collins Commends Small Business Administration for Issuing New Contracting Regulations

October 17 - DOD Privacy Protections Questioned by Bipartisan Trio; Collection of JetBlue Passenger Information May Have Violated the Law

October 17 - Chairman Collins Introduces Bill to Create National Women’s History Museum

October 15 current Press Release

October 9 - Chairman Collins Commends FDA for Issuing New Food Safety Regulations

October 2 - Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Approves Department of Homeland Security Nomination

October 2 - Chairman Collins Introduces Bill to Improve Mental Health Services for Children

October 1 - Chairman Collins Calls for Federal Real Property Reform

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Washington, D.C. 20510