News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Senator Murray Statement in Support of Sales Tax Deductibility for Washington State Citizens

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, September 9, 2004

Today, Senator Murray joined a bipartisan, bicameral press conference with Members of Congress from across the country to call for inclusion of a meaningful state sales tax deduction in the American Jobs Creation Act conference report.

Senator Murray said:

"I'm proud today to stand with so many colleagues from Washington and elsewhere in support of sales tax deductibility for our citizens. I strongly support this important, if temporary, first step toward greater equity and permanent sales tax deductibility for Washingtonians.

"With our state's economy continuing to slump, too many families have faced increased tax burdens in recent years. This change will help to remedy that unfair policy and put our state back on a level playing field.

"I will continue to support its inclusion in the final tax bill and I will keep fighting to make taxes more fair for Washington state families."
