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Hanford Reach

Murray's Work

Since 1995, U.S. Senator Patty Murray has worked to protect the Hanford Reach, a remarkable 51-mile stretch of the Columbia River.

Throughout the process, Sen. Murray has worked to bring together those affected by the Reach including local leaders, tribes, conservationists, growers and harvesters.

Sen. Murray introduced and fought to pass legislation to protect the Reach in 1995, 1997, and 1999. Unfortunately, in February of 2000, promising legislative discussions fell apart. The urgent need to recover and protect salmon runs, however, continued.

After much consideration, Sen. Murray asked then Interior Department Secretary Bruce Babbitt to explore administrative options to protect the Reach. Secretary Babbitt later visited the area and floated the Reach.

On May 31, 2000, Secretary Babbitt made a formal recommendation to President Clinton, suggesting that the President designate the Hanford Reach a National Monument.

On June 9, 2000, President Clinton designated the Hanford Reach as a national monument. The designation covers over 200,000 acres of federal land held by the Department of Energy and spans 51 miles of the Columbia River. Read Senator Murray’s statement on the designation.

Senator Murray continues to work to protect the Hanford Reach area by ensuring federal funding to clean up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Visit the Hanford Reach National Monument website.

The National Monument Designation Will:

Help Recover Salmon Stocks

We as Washingtonians have a legal and moral responsibility to help restore struggling salmon stocks. The Hanford Reach spans only 51 of the Columbia River's 1,200 miles, but it spawns 80% of the wild fall Chinook produced in the entire Columbia Basin. The designation protects this vital breeding ground.

Ensure Families Can Continue To Enjoy The Reach

Residents of Washington state take great pride in being able to enjoy recreational activities along the Columbia River. The designation ensures that public access to the Hanford Reach will be preserved.

Share the History of the Tri-Cities with Generations of Americans

The designation will allow generations of Americans to learn about the vital contributions the people of the Tri-Cities (Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco) made to help America win World War II and the Cold War.