Over the past two months a number of proposals have been tossed around by lawmakers of both parties in response to the record energy prices Americans are facing. These ideas have ranged from a gas tax holiday to increasing our refining capacity. Some of the ideas are a step in the right direction, such as exploring for more energy sources and increasing our refining capacity.

In order to develop a real, commonsense energy policy for the American people we need to focus on a number of issues. More than anything, we need to focus our attention on exploring new American energy through drilling, technology and new development.

Congress needs to understand that the path to lowering prices lies not in windfall taxes or gas tax holidays. It lies in opening up the vast, untapped reserves that are under our lands and oceans. The Department of Interior estimates that there are “112 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil beneath U.S. federal lands and coastal waters,” which would result in enough gasoline to power 60 million cars for 60 years. While Congress has yet to move restrictions on drilling in many offshore areas, China and Cuba are setting up off shore drilling rigs just 50 miles off the coast of Florida.

According to an American Solutions nationwide survey, 69 percent of Americans support lowering energy prices for U.S. consumers by using U.S. domestic energy sources, such as clean coal and oil, even if it means drilling off our coasts and in Alaska. I realize that there is a legitimate concern for the safety of our environment when we talk about drilling in places like ANWR and the ocean. I share these same concerns, but want you to know, that these proposals can be done in an environmentally safe way. The Washington Post recently reported that of the more than 7 billion barrels of oil pumped offshore in the past 25 years, .001 percent-that is one-thousandth of 1 percent-has been spilled. You should also be aware that only 8 percent of ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, would be considered for exploration. The remaining 17.5 million acres will remain permanently closed to any kind of development. If oil is discovered, less than 2000 acres of the over 1.5 million acres considered would be affected by production capacity. If this exploration takes place and is developed, between 250,000 and 735,000 jobs are estimated to be created.

Opening up new reserves will increase our supply and bring prices down at the pump. The new exploration and production will provide new jobs, and increase in our supply of crude and natural gas is the quickest and most commonsense remedy to our high energy prices, which are a result of increased global demand. So why the opposition to more drilling? While many in Congress would have you believe that oil companies are to blame for high gas prices, they fail to realize that the large part of the problems lie within drilling obstacles. Republicans have a plan for relief that includes environmentally safe exploration of American energy. It is my hope that Democrats will work with Republicans on this plan to deliver relief to the American people.


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