My First Tele-Town Hall

I want to take a moment to thank the more than 8 thousand constituents who joined me for my first telephone town hall this week. I really enjoyed being able to hear from so many constituents on a variety of issues from gas prices to immigration and Iraq. 

Since it was my first phone town hall, there were some technical glitches, which seemed to go unnoticed by those on the line, thankfully! At some point early on, my computer screen went blank and my immediate fear was that we had lost everybody on the call. Luckily, the problem was resolved and I was able to answer questions from nearly 30 additional constituents. 

I have heard from a number of you since the town hall, and thank you for the positive feedback. I am going to try to do more of these, as it gives you the opportunity to personally connect with me from the comfort and convenience of your own home. I hope to hear from even more of you the next time around! 

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