June 6, 2001

Seeking "Effective, Efficient, Ethical" Government
Energy Hearings Expected


WASHINGTON - Senator Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., issued the following statement upon becoming Chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee:

Throughout my career in public service, and particularly here in the Senate, I have always tried to work in a bipartisan manner because I believe that’s how legislative goals are best accomplished. With that in mind, I look forward to consulting closely with my friend and colleague Senator Fred Thompson, as the committee undergoes a change in leadership. We worked well together during Senator Thompson’s time as Chairman, and I’m sure we will do so now.

The Governmental Affairs Committee has a long tradition of working on behalf of the American taxpayer. I intend to carry on that tradition, to make government work better for its citizens, while safeguarding the health, safety and pocketbooks of American consumers.

In the immediate future, I hope to focus the committee’s oversight and investigative duties on an examination of high energy prices and what can be done to lower them, on the Bush Administration’s plan to rollback a variety of health, safety and environmental regulations, on the breakthrough possibilities of electronic government, and on the quality of life of federal employees, who are the ones who ultimately determine whether our government will work better for the American people. Finally, if the government is to have adequate resources to improve the lives of all Americans, we must pay particular heed to curbing the problems of waste, fraud and abuse so we can have a federal government that is effective, efficient and ethical.

Today I am announcing my intention to hold a hearing on June 20, 2001, on whether the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has been properly executing its duties to provide "fair and reasonable" electric rates.



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