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U.S. Congressman Steve King, Representing the Fifth District of Iowa. Back to Home Page

For Immediate Release

Representative Steve King
5th Congressional District of Iowa
 August 14, 2008   

Des Moines, IA—Today, U.S. Congressman Steve King called upon Americans to engage in the battle for energy solutions with him and Republican Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. On August 1st, Congress adjourned for five weeks, without passing legislation to allow domestic exploration for oil to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and lower gas and all energy prices. 

“We all know the old axiom--those who don’t vote have no right to complain about the actions of elected officials,” King said. “In this case, if Americans don’t make their voices heard by calling or visiting the Capitol to join in the Republican protest over San Francisco Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow a vote on expanding domestic oil production, the same applies. Don’t be surprised by $5 or $6 per gallon gas.”

King encourages Americans to call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to leave a message for Speaker Pelosi to tell her you demand a vote be taken on domestic drilling and for work to continue on a comprehensive energy plan designed to relieve high prices at the gas pump.
“With Congress in recess, Americans have a unique opportunity to sit on the floor of the House of Representatives and be part of the debate on energy,” King stated. “Putting expensive gas in the family car’s tank or purchasing a plane ticket is a personal sacrifice, but now is the time to stand and be counted.”
King spent Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week at the Capitol to push for a vote on domestic drilling to lower prices at the pump. Other Representatives have also returned to Washington to be part of the Gas Price Revolt to fight for a vote on an energy bill that includes domestic exploration to lower gas prices. 
King serves in Congress representing Iowa’s Fifth District.

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