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Emergency Communications, Preparedness and Response subcommittee markup
04/30/2008 Congressman Henry Cuellar chairs markup hearing at subcommittee hearing

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Coast Guard Reauthorization
04/24/2008 Congressman Cuellar introduces Amendment to Coast Guard Authorization

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Small Business Innovation Research Reauthorization Act
04/23/2008 Congressman Cuellar includes provision to protect and encourage the participation of small business owned by women, veterans, and minorities

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Mayor Aldo Tatangelo
03/13/2008 Congressman Cuellar speaks on Mayor Tatangelo's accomplishments

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Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing on Merida Initiative
02/07/2008 Congressman Cuellar speaks about the urgency to help Mexico in order to adequately secure the border

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Economic Stimulus Plan
01/29/2008 Congressman Cuellar speaks in support of the Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act

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01/23/2008 Congressman Cuellar urges colleagues to support SCHIP

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01/17/2008 Congressman Cuellar speaks in support of H.R. 3524, HOPE VI Improvement and Reauthorization Act

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Fiscal Responsibilty
12/13/2007 Congressman Cuellar on Fiscal Responsibility through Pay-As-You-Go

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Free Trade Agreement with Peru
11/07/2007 Congressman Cuellar urges support for Free Trade Agreement with Peru on House floor

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

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