E-mail Me

See also:

Almost 2,000 Idahoans write, call, fax or e-mail me each week with their thoughts on issues before Congress and the country.  Although responding accurately and in a timely fashion is a monumental challenge and can lead to unexpected delays, I try to reply to your questions as promptly as practical.  However, in the interest of getting a response to you as quickly as possible, I have posted on this website a number of answers to commonly-asked questions that might be of interest to you.

Senator Crapo reading a constituent letter.Save time before you write. In an effort to be as responsive as possible and to fully utilize the technology available through the Internet, I have set up a page that features what Idahoans have been writing about and my response on each issue from the previous week. You may wish to check there first to see if your question or concern is answered before sending me an e-mail. There are also several hoaxes regarding Congressional actions that are frequently forwarded in e-mail. You can learn more about those in the Is It True That ... section. Many topics are also covered in the Issues Section, and you may find the anwer to your question there. As always, I am happy to respond to all Idahoans who contact me, but wanted to give Idahoans another avenue to obtain information in a more expedient manner.

Please e-mail me by filling out the form below. This information, along with your comments, will help me respond better to your concerns. Information gathered will not be used for any purpose other than to respond to you. For more on my office privacy policy, please click on the link above.

If you are interested in scheduling tours in Washington, DC, or ordering a flag, please use the links in the See Also: box above. To schedule an appointment with me or to invite me to attend an event in Idaho or Washington, DC, please click on Schedule Requests above.

Please enter your name and address. Fields marked with an * are required.

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You may want to know why you are being asked to copy the security information above. The validation code is a way to assure that the needs and concerns of Idahoans are made a priority and to prevent spam from being automatically sent to my inbox. Along the same vein, I have been asked why my office doesn't have a public e-mail address, but uses this web form instead. This is part of my effort to filter out spam and provide expedient responses to Idahoans. While the system has limitations, it allows me to communicate more effectively and efficiently with Idahoans while maintaining a secure system.

You are also welcome to write to me, call or FAX at:

U.S. Senator Mike Crapo
239 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6142
FAX: (202) 228-1375
TDD: (202) 224-2806

Last updated 01/16/2008

Idaho State

251 E. Front St., Suite 205
Boise,ID 83702


524 E. Cleveland Blvd., Suite 220
Caldwell,ID 83605

North Idaho

610 Hubbard, Suite 209
Coeur d' Alene,ID 83814

North-Central Region

313 'D' St., Suite 105
Lewiston,ID 83501

Eastern Idaho, North

490 Memorial Dr., Suite 102
Idaho Falls,ID 83402

Eastern Idaho, South

275 S. 5th Ave., Suite 225
Pocatello,ID 83201


202 Falls Ave., Suite 2
Twin Falls,ID 83301

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