Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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August 21, 2003  
Schools, First Responders, Unprepared
WASHINGTON- Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., responded Thursday to two private studies emphasizing the nation’s vulnerability to future terrorist strikes. Senator Lieberman’s statement follows:

“This week, two private studies were released which contradict the assertions of the Bush Administration that it is doing enough to prepare for terrorist assaults here at home.

"A study by the Rand Corporation found that first responders overwhelmingly believe they are still unprepared if terrorists strike. The report provides yet more evidence - to anyone who still needs a wake up call - that our nation’s first responders remain dangerously unprepared to protect the public, or even themselves, in the event of another terrorist attack. It is based on information provided by those who are on the front lines in the fight against terrorism. The reality is that the funds now in the pipeline being touted by the Administration are not nearly enough to get our first responders up to speed. Nor has the Administration provided the leadership necessary to help clear up the confusion among first responders about how to respond to terrorist attacks with weapons of mass destruction.

"In the second, troubling study, a survey of American schools conducted by the National Association of School Resources Officers revealed that over 76 percent of school-based police officers feel that their schools are not adequately prepared to respond to an attack upon their schools. These school officials need more guidance about how to assess threats and prepare for them. In our effort to defend the homeland, we must take every precaution to ensure that our nations most valuable resource, our children, are safe in the event of a terrorist attack. This report indicates we are not doing enough to meet this responsibility.

"The Bush Administration must wake up before we have another attack and act to provide the resources and leadership necessary to better prepare those who risk themselves to protect our communities."
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August 2003 Press Releases
July   September   --   2002   2004  
August 29 - Lieberman Seeks Inquiry Into Gas Price Spikes as Prices Hit the Highest Levels Ever Recorded

August 28 - Dodd, Lieberman Announce Connecticut Fire Fighters to Receive Federal Grants

August 27 - Sen. Lieberman's OpEd in the New York Daily News

August 27 - Report Faults FERC Oversight of Energy Markets

August 25 - Final GAO Report on Cheney Energy Task Force Released

August 22 - Lieberman: Federal Authority Misused by Texas Republicans

August 21 - Lieberman, Dodd Announce New Round of Grants to Connecticut Fire Fighters

August 21 current Press Release

August 15 - Lieberman Probes Interior Commitment To Protect Wilderness

August 15 - Lieberman Says Electric Infrastructure Too Important To Be A Gap in Homeland Security

August 13 - Report: State and Local Officials Still Denied Information

August 8 - Lawmakers Oppose Decision to Terminate Postal Security Force

August 7 - Lieberman Prods Agencies on Mismanagement of Florida Wetlands

August 6 - Lieberman Says Failure to Consolidate Watch Lists Exposes American Public to "Unaccceptable Risk"

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510