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July 25, 2003  
WASHINGTON - Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman Friday announced that the Department of Homeland Security is awarding over $1 Million in grants to six Connecticut fire departments.

“Just as we wouldn't send our armed forces into the field without the best weapons, we shouldn't ask firefighters to do their very difficult job with second-hand equipment,” said Dodd. “This assistance can ensure that they have the tools they need to protect our families, not only from fires, but from the risk of terrorism.”

“Since 9/11, our fire fighters’ jobs are more dangerous, more demanding-and more important-than ever," said Lieberman. “This money is a good start toward getting them resources they need, but the truth is, we need to get more money to the firehouses, our first responders, our first preventers, and our first protectors.”

DHS awards the money as part of the Assistance for Fire Fighters Grant Program, administered by the U.S. Fire Administration. The funds will be used for fire fighter health and safety programs, to buy new fire fighting apparatus, Emergency Medical Service programs, and Fire Prevention and Safety Programs, and conduct fire prevention and safety programs.

The following fire stations will receive grant awards:

• New Hartford Volunteer Fire Department $84,920
• South Manchester Fire Department $263,452
• Columbia Volunteer Fire Department Inc. $214,245
• Branford Fire Department $333,418
• Beaver Brook Volunteer Fire Co. 11 Inc. $44,982
• Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Department $83,520

The awards were made possible by legislation authored by Dodd and sponsored by Lieberman, which was enacted into law in 2000 that provides local fire departments the ability to purchase new equipment, hire new personnel, and initiate education and training programs. Since the FIRE Act was enacted, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), now a part of DHS, has distributed over 7,100 grants for a total of more than $420 million to help fire departments across the country strengthen their response capabilities.
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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510